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Leon Loving the Sanctuary Life in Honor of World Turtle Day

From Brittany Michelson, IDA In Defense of Animals
May 2024

Leon was passed from one home to another, along with being a classroom “pet” and his physical and emotional scars were evident. When I first met Leon, my heart broke for the years of improper care he had endured. The injustice of his situation—caused by a loss of interest and a lack of understanding that led to neglect—motivated me even more to advocate for animals like him. 

Learn about World Turtle Day!

turtle Leon

My name is Brittany, an animal lover like you, and I am passionate about my role as the Campaign Specialist for Captive Animals at In Defense of Animals. I am also the founder of Desert Oasis Turtle and Tortoise Sanctuary in Tucson, Arizona.

Today, I'm eager to share with you a story very close to my heart—the transformation of Leon, a red-eared slider turtle.

From the moment I learned of Leon’s journey and suffering, I was deeply moved. He was passed from one home to another, along with being a classroom “pet” and his physical and emotional scars were evident. When I first met Leon, my heart broke for the years of improper care he had endured. The injustice of his situation—caused by a loss of interest and a lack of understanding that led to neglect—motivated me even more to advocate for animals like him.

turtle Leon

I remember the day Leon arrived at my sanctuary. Seeing his condition firsthand—his damaged shell and his downtrodden spirit—I felt a mix of sadness and determination. It was clear to me how crucial our advocacy at In Defense of Animals is to provide a voice for animals in desperate need like him.

Witnessing Leon’s entrance into his new pond home, where he could bask in the sun and swim freely, filled me with an indescribable sense of relief and joy. These moments are what drive my commitment to animal advocacy.

As we prepare to celebrate World Turtle Day on May 23rd, I am reminded of how our collective efforts can make a significant impact. At In Defense of Animals we champion the cause of animals like Leon by educating the public and advocating for proper care and respect.

Our community's dedication to these principles empowers me to pursue both my career at In Defense of Animals and manage Desert Oasis Turtle & Tortoise Sanctuary with drive and inspiration.

turtle Leon

Leon's resilience and recovery inspire us to keep fighting for the rights and welfare of animals everywhere. I am personally grateful for the understanding and encouragement from In Defense of Animals and our supporters, which enables me to fulfill my dual roles effectively.

Thank you for being part of our community. Whether you are able to donate or help spread our message, your involvement is crucial to our success.

Together, we can ensure that stories like Leon's are not exceptions, but examples of what we can achieve with empathy and advocacy

turtle Leon

Posted on May 22, 2024
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