These additional violations mean Tim Lepard has had noncompliance with the minimum standards of animal care at 10 of his most recent 14 inspections — or 71 percent.
A controversial exhibitor who forces vulnerable capuchins to hang
onto dogs running at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour in a cruel
“monkey rodeo” had five additional violations of the federal Animal
Welfare Act documented by inspectors this September.
Lady Freethinker recently reported on Tim Lepard, whose “Team Ghost
Riders” performs at major and minor sports league events as well as
community gatherings, as a major offender of animal welfare in our
recent “Animal Attraction” report.
Since the publication of that report, inspectors have cited Lepard
with five additional violations, including no acquisition records
for 14 sheep, an inaccurate travel inventory, an incomplete program
of veterinary care (including no schedule for parasite sampling or
preventive care), incomplete medical records for four border
collies, and fencing issues for a shelter housing two capuchin
monkeys, according to the Sept. 14 inspection report.
Those additional violations mean Lepard has had noncompliance with
the minimum standards of animal care at 10 of his most recent 14
inspections — or 71 percent.
Inspectors documented 22 violations across those inspections —
including 13 violations now from this year alone.
In addition to the problems at the September inspection, Leopard had
seven violations at an inspection in April, when inspectors noted he
was giving his dogs expired heartworm medication and unapproved
parasite control treatments, had no on-site veterinary visits for at
least two years, and also that he had incomplete medical and
acquisition records and missing key components in his written
program of care — including requirements for an annual exam by a
vet, a parasite treatment and sampling schedule and preventive care.
In January, inspectors attempted to conduct a site inspection but
Lepard was not home — a recurring theme, according to public records
As of September, Lepard had 20 animals: four dogs, 14 sheep, and two
white-throated capuchin monkeys at the time of the inspection.
We’ll keep advocating for proper treatment of these innocent