Cobb must be removed from horse racing and barred from having any employment which brings her into contact with horses.
Screenshot from Youtube video "Amber Cobb Incident, Febuary 2021"
When the Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commission reduced a two-year
suspension to just 60 days for trainer Amber Cobb, who was found by
Delaware Park’s board of stewards to have “demonstrated cruelty to a
horse in her care,” the Paulick Report was besieged with messages of
outrage and disgust from a wide array of people in Thoroughbred
“I feel so sick,” one trainer commented after watching the video
that accompanied Paulick Report editor-in-chief Natalie Voss’ story
on the appeals hearing that led to the reduction of Cobb’s
suspension. “That girl should never, ever be allowed near another
horse. … I can’t remember watching a video I was more shocked at
seeing ever in my life.”
"Amber Cobb Incident, Febuary 2021"
Contact the Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commission and demand they
immediately revoke the training license of Amber Cobb for beating
and terrorizing a racehorse. Simply suspending Cobb will not do —
the time period which has now been reduced. Cobb must be removed
from horse racing and barred from having any employment which brings
her into contact with horses.
Delaware Code Title 11. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1325.
Cruelty to animals; class A misdemeanor; class F felony. See
Executive Director - Sarah A. Crane
[email protected]
Business Phone: (302) 994-2521