A Stop Horse Drawn Carriages Article from All-Creatures.org

At Last - Justice for Ryder

From Elizabeth Forel, Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
November 2023

Charge: Overdriving, Torturing and Injuring Animals, a class A misdemeanor, one count
[1] The charges contained in the misdemeanor complaint are merely allegations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. All factual recitations are derived from documents filed in court and statements made on the record in court.

Horse Ryder

Carriage owner and driver, Ian McKeever, was finally charged for his actions in the collapse, flogging and ultimate death of Ryder, a NYC carriage horse.

The following is a press release from the office of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg of New York County
November 15, 2023:

horse abuse charges

Horse abuser
Ian McKeever in handcuffs

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