If the USDA won’t follow its own requirements when renewing or providing a license, especially with ample proof showing the inhumane treatment of animals, we will hold them accountable.
Animal Legal Defense Fund challenges the renewed license for the owner of Wildlife on Wheels after evidence has revealed ongoing violations for more than a decade
Today, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, the nation’s preeminent legal
advocacy organization for animals, filed a lawsuit against the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) for renewing Robert Sawmiller’s
license to engage in activities regulated by the Animal Welfare Act
(AWA). The Animal Legal Defense Fund had previously presented the
USDA with “smoking gun” evidence of Sawmiller’s chronic AWA
violations, which have led to numerous animal deaths in his
possession. Sawmiller does business under the name Wildlife on
Wheels — a traveling menagerie — and houses the animals at two
facilities in Ohio and Indiana.
The AWA requires animal exhibitors and dealers to demonstrate
compliance with the AWA, which is required by the Act before a
license can be issued. As part of the AWA license renewal process,
Sawmiller was required to submit a timely application that certified
his operation was in compliance with the regulations and standards
of the AWA. Sawmiller failed to submit his application on time —
which should have led to automatic license termination — but the
USDA nonetheless renewed the license. And when the USDA
rubberstamped its approval of Sawmiller’s renewal application, the
agency ignored its own records of Sawmiller’s persistent violations
of the AWA protections. One such instance occurred during a March
2020 inspection, when a USDA inspector identified injuries on
animals, of which Sawmiller was unaware.
“The Animal Welfare Act is in place to protect animals from harm by
ensuring standards are adhered to, but time and again we see captive
animal exhibitors acting as if they are above the law,” says Animal
Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Stephen Wells. “If the USDA
won’t follow its own requirements when renewing or providing a
license, especially with ample proof showing the inhumane treatment
of animals, we will hold them accountable.”
Since as early as 2010, Sawmiller has received multiple
non-compliance reports and official warnings from the USDA. His
inspection immediately prior to the license renewal, on March 4,
2020, resulted in 19 total non-compliances with AWA regulations, 11
of which were repeat and three “direct.” Direct non-compliances,
which “adversely affect the health and well-being of the animal,”
are the most serious violations a USDA inspector can report. After
renewing the license, the USDA inspected again on February 1, 2021,
and found multiple “direct” violations, including that an
“inadequately insulated shelter has led to a state of unrelieved
suffering” for a brown bear cub in “poor body condition.”
In December 2020, the Animal Legal Defense Fund executed a court
order, seizing three animals from Sawmiller near Wapakoneta, Ohio.
The animals rescued included two wolves, Nikko and Atlas, and one
Labrador, named Fancy, who was used in a puppy breeding scheme.
Fancy was adopted, and the wolves are under the care of the Wild
Animal Sanctuary.
Attorneys from Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP are
contributing legal assistance to this case.