An Environmental Article from

The Ongoing Ecological Crisis is a Leadership Crisis

From Sailesh Rao,
October 2023

The Vegan movement is to the 21st century world as Gandhi’s Khadi movement was to 20th century India. The Khadi movement was about securing liberation for Indians from the yoke of imperialism. Today, the Vegan movement is about securing liberation for all life from the yoke of systemic oppression.

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At its core, the ongoing ecological crisis is a leadership crisis. Like the mice in the children’s story, we are all standing around wondering who among us is going to take the lead and bell the capitalist cat before its quest for infinite growth kills us all. Fortunately, in this case, we can simply bell the Cow in the Room that’s feeding the cat.

The mainstream narrative has been to convince us that we don’t have the power to do anything about the Cow in the Room. The Non-Governmental Organizations featured in Cowspiracy and What The Health have been telling us that we can’t change the system by making personal changes. It’s a good thing that Mahatma Gandhi didn’t listen to such naysayers and provided a living example of how concerted personal action can shake the mightiest empire the world had ever seen in the Khadi movement.

The Vegan movement is to the 21st century world as Gandhi’s Khadi movement was to 20th century India. The Khadi movement was about securing liberation for Indians from the yoke of imperialism. Today, the Vegan movement is about securing liberation for all life from the yoke of systemic oppression.


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.

In fact, if the world goes Vegan, that would significantly ameliorate ALL SIX planetary boundaries that humanity has transgressed in the biogeochemical cycles of the planet – biodiversity loss, chemical pollution, nitrogen and phosphorous loading, climate change, land use and freshwater use in descending order of severity.

Therefore, going Vegan is the Swiss army knife of environmental action and the worldwide governmental appeasement of the animal agriculture industry is surely a dereliction of duty. If those in established positions of power won’t address the Cow in the Room, we have to look elsewhere.

Enter the Oxford Union. A society that was formed in secret by students 200 years ago to protest the restrictions placed by the University establishment on freedom of speech, the Oxford Union has been meeting every Thursday during term to freely debate the issues that matter to students. Many eminent speakers have addressed the Oxford Union, from Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson and Mother Theresa to Sir Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan and Queen Elizabeth II. It was at the Oxford Union that former President Nixon first admitted that he had screwed up on Watergate and Malcolm X demanded that we do “whatever necessary to achieve racial justice.”

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