While Climate Healing is the largest and greatest engineering project in the history of humanity, it requires specialized education outreaches to all three kinds of people in order for us to make progress. We need to educate those who move with the correct problem formulation so that they move in the right direction. .
“There are three kinds of people – those that are immovable, those that
are movable and those who move”
– Benjamin Franklin.
In any species, there are three kinds of members – those that are immovable,
those that are movable and those who move. A species needs all three kinds
to thrive. If the species only has immovable members, then that species will
die out as it would be unable to adapt to changing environmental
circumstances. If the species only has movable members, then the species may
make rash decisions and die out as well.
The unique problem that humans face is that our immovable kind are primarily
those with the most money and power and they deploy their resources to
persuade our movable kind to move in the wrong direction and thereby
unwittingly swell the ranks of the immovable and cement the status quo.
Therefore, despite three decades of huffing and puffing on climate change,
humanity has very little to show for it. Indeed, if world leaders had been
trying to destroy the earth’s climate as quickly as possible, they couldn’t
have done a better job of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas
concentrations over the past three decades.
The Climate Bathtub problem formulation clearly shows that we need to shut
down the Killing machine as quickly as possible if we are to survive on this
planet. Yet Al Gore, Bill McKibben and the vast majority of global
environmental leadership, deliberately ignore the Cow in the Room in their
public pronouncements.
Al Gore, in particular, made it clear during the Climate Reality project
training that his primary objective is to preserve civilization as we know
it. But civilization as we know it is an unsustainable one based on the
false axioms of consumerism and supremacism. Therefore, what is the point of
preserving it?
Bill McKibben’s 350.org is primarily funded by the Rockefeller brothers and
perhaps, they might also have the same motivation of preserving civilization
as we know it.
While Climate Healing is the largest and greatest engineering project in the
history of humanity, it requires specialized education outreaches to all
three kinds of people in order for us to make progress. We need to educate
those who move with the correct problem formulation so that they move in the
right direction. We need to educate those who are movable about the false
foundational axioms of our civilization and why we are facing a double
Galilean moment in human history. Finally, we need to inform those that are
immovable that we are fully aware of the machinations they employ to
“preserve civilization as we know it.”
As Thomas Kuhn pointed out, we can best transform a system by pointing out
the anomalies in the paradigm of the system and speaking loudly and with
assurance about the new paradigm. We need to insert people with the new
paradigm in places of public visibility and power. We ignore those that are
immovable and work with those who move and influence the vast middle ground
of people who are open-minded and movable.
Once Copernican heliocentrism was largely accepted and people abandoned the
idea that the sun goes around the earth, there was no turning back on the
scientific revolution of the 17th century. Likewise in this double Galilean
moment in human history, once we accept the true axioms of inner peace and
unity and abandon the false axioms of consumerism and supremacism, there
will be no turning back on the sustainability revolution of the 21st
If you wish to learn more, I’m teaching a course on Sustainability starting
next week through the Hindu University of America.
Here are the details.
Let’s make this greatest transformation in human history happen sooner
rather than later.
Eat plants.
Plant trees.
Love animals.
Heal the planet.
It’s that simple.