Health Position and Disclaimer
Jenny Moxham, Australian Animal Activist
June 2014
So the Dairy Industry has not only duped the public
into believing that we need to suckle from a cow for our entire lives in
order to have strong bones, they've also duped the Federal Government. How
could this possibly come about?
If we'd laugh in the face of someone who told us we needed to suckle from a
giraffe in order to stay healthy, why are we not laughing at the dairy
industry for their preposterous assertion?
What would you say if I told that you that if you didn't suckle from a
lactating giraffe every single day of your life you would suffer from broken
bones and other ailments?
Would you believe me and and seek out lactating giraffes in order to stay
healthy? I doubt it. You'd probably laugh in my face and say I was out
of my mind. And If I believed what I'd told you I would be.
So how is it that the dairy industry can get away with telling us that if we
don't suckle from a lactating cow each day of our lives we will suffer from
broken bones and other health problems?
In Thursday's Advertiser, (June 5) in a segment entitled, "Our dairy
deficient children",
we were told that a generation of Aussie kids are facing a greater chance of
broken bones as they turn their back on dairy.
Dairy Australia nutrition scientist Dr Roxanne Portolesi warned that
inadequate dairy intake makes children vulnerable to broken bones and other health
concerns Toddlers, she said, need at least 1.5 serves of dairy a day which
should increase to 3.5 serves for teenagers. We were told that two out of
three children are not eating enough dairy foods and 95 per cent of
teenage girls are "failing to meet the dairy targets as set out in the
Federal Governments Australian Dietary Guidelines".
Federal Government Guidelines? So the Dairy Industry has not only duped the
public into believing that we need to suckle from a cow for our entire lives
in order to have strong bones, they've also duped the Federal Government.
How could this possibly come about?
If we' d laugh in the face of someone who told us we needed to suckle from a
giraffe in order to stay healthy, why are we not laughing at the dairy
industry for their preposterous assertion?
Clearly the industry has done an unbelievably clever advertising job!
But let's look, for a moment at the validity of their claims that drinking
cows milk strengthens bones and prevents other ailments. Many scientific
studies have shown an assortment of detrimental health effects directly
linked to milk consumption and the most surprising is that not only do we
barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk, it actually increases calcium loss
from the bones.
Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. Calcium is an excellent acid neutralizer and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is in the bones. So the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the surprising net result after this is an actual calcium deficit.
This is the reason why countries with the lowest consumption of dairy products have the lowest incidence of bone fractures.
Far from being a health safeguard, milk consumption has been linked to infertility, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ovarian cancer and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The milk hoax surely has to be one of the biggest hoaxes of all time but, sadly, it's no joke for the majority of the players. Consumers suffer the health consequences and cows suffer from being forced to endure pregnancy after pregnancy, only to have their beloved babies repeatedly stolen from them and killed.
Don't be fooled. The dairy industry does not exist for the benefit of our health, it exists solely for profit - regardless of the suffering it inflicts on others.
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