These vegan health articles are presented to assist you in taking a pro-active part in your own health.
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John R. Hall, The
June 2017
Yes comrade, I speak of the profound health advantages of a plant-based diet. That dreaded five-letter word which most of us find impossible to fully comprehend, is the very word that can save us from unnecessary suffering and early death. If you are to prevail against the evil forces of Empire, you must maintain your health and be in top physical condition. You must not be among the ranks of morbidly obese Citizens of Empire. You must not succumb to cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, or any one of a slew of autoimmune diseases. Make no mistake. I’m not suggesting merely a vegetarian diet. The only way to tilt the odds in your favor for a long, healthy life is to quit eating meat of any kind; no fish, no poultry, no pork, no beef…nothing with eyes or a mother. And while you’re at it…no oils, no dairy, and no eggs. Si, mi amigo, you must recognize the last elephant in the room, and become a die-hard, dedicated, label-reading VEGAN. The very likely alternative being denial, pain, suffering, and early death.
There, now that the riff raff has been banished, let’s get down to
talking seriously. If you’re reading this, you’re likely a comrade, a cadre,
an amigo of mine. You and I might disagree on a few details, but all in all,
in one way or another, we’ve both found and exposed most of the elephants in
Empire’s Drawing Room. We’re batting for the same team. We’re fighting for
truth, justice, and freedom. We hate Empire’s wars for profit. We despise
the free-market/neoliberal agenda, which commodifies all of earth’s human
and non-human resources. We understand the moneymaking synergy which links
corporate-legislative-executive-judicial-military-intelligence communities
in an unbreakable bond of mutual admiration, love, and unity. We recognize
that the lives of those of us who’ll never make the Forbes 400 List are
cheap, meaningless, and expendable. We grok. We get it. We know that this
so-called republic and the two party political system are farcical. We’ve
figured out that we live in a police state. We don’t salute the flag, pledge
allegiance, nor thank paid U.S. Military assassins for their “service”. We
are dedicated, heart and soul, to bringing down Empire, and ushering in a
new age of hope. We are the Revolution. It is our duty as revolutionists to
be strong of mind and body. We owe it to the future of mankind. We owe it to
Which brings me to the subject du jour. In plain sight, Empire has been
hiding yet another elephant from nearly all of us. He accompanies us
wherever we go, joins us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, keeps vigil at
our sickbeds, and attends our untimely funerals. He is a grossly obese,
diseased, and voracious pachyderm. His leathery hide and internal organs are
riddled with cancer. He’s going blind and his limbs are gangrenous from
advanced diabetes. He shakes uncontrollably from Parkinson’s Disease, and
due to late-stage Alzheimer’s, cannot remember what day it is. His arteries
are hopelessly clogged and his heart is failing. One of Empire’s ugliest
creations, yet few of us are lucky enough to recognize and understand what
he does, and why. I would have gone to my early grave, unaware of his
ghastly presence, if not for a close friend who was diagnosed with
cardiovascular disease. Together we’ve banned and shunned this blighted
ungulate and sent him on his way, yet he still roams the countryside,
stalking and preying on the unaware. He will continue to do so until we
collectively slay the beast.
The ugly truth as I see it: All too many of Empire’s physicians have
eschewed the Hippocratic Oath in favor of the Hypocritical Oath. They work
in pernicious perfection and harmony with the pharmaceutical industry,
private hospitals, agrochemical/biotechnology corporations, the
meat/dairy/egg conglomerates, fast-food behemoths, the
legislative/executive/judicial triad, the F.D.A., U.S.D.A., and last but not
least the private funeral / undertaking / cemetery / cremation dead body disposal
racket. All of the above pushing a perfectly synchronized agenda of
population control by way of junk nutritional science-induced early death.
If you didn’t already know this, don’t be too shocked. It’s business.
Nothing personal. To Empire’s healthcare industry “CURE” is a four-letter
word, and doctors routinely lose their patients to McDonalds Disease. In
fairness, I don’t believe that any of this was part of a grand plan. Like
most capitalist enterprises, the profit motive and momentum have driven the
system to a point of no return. Like slavery, genocide, and war…healthcare
has become just another cruel joke, with the lesser people bearing the
Although The Fountain of Youth was just Ponce de Leon’s pipe dream, The
Wellspring of Good Health has been discovered, and its benefits are easily
and readily available to us all. Independent, comprehensive, in depth
scientific studies by T. Colin Campbell PhD., Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr.
Dean Ornish, and others strongly corroborate the fact that we are indeed
what we eat. Their ironclad, irrefutable findings indicate that the top four
causes of death in Empire are almost entirely the product of our
high-protein, animal-intensive eating habits. Cardiovascular Disease (#1),
Cancer (#2), and Stroke (#4) can be avoided almost entirely by eliminating
all meat, dairy, eggs, and oils from our diets. And the #3 killer, Medical
Care, is not much more than the product of the other three.
Yes comrade, I speak of the profound health advantages of a plant-based
diet. That dreaded five-letter word which most of us find impossible to
fully comprehend, is the very word that can save us from unnecessary
suffering and early death. If you are to prevail against the evil forces of
Empire, you must maintain your health and be in top physical condition. You
must not be among the ranks of morbidly obese Citizens of Empire. You must
not succumb to cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, or any one of a slew
of autoimmune diseases. Make no mistake. I’m not suggesting merely a
vegetarian diet. The only way to tilt the odds in your favor for a long,
healthy life is to quit eating meat of any kind; no fish, no poultry, no
pork, no beef…nothing with eyes or a mother. And while you’re at it…no oils,
no dairy, and no eggs. Si, mi amigo, you must recognize the last elephant in
the room, and become a die-hard, dedicated, label-reading VEGAN. The very
likely alternative being denial, pain, suffering, and early death.
The good news is that the answer to kicking obesity and disease has been
hiding right in front of us for all our lives. The great news is that a
vegan diet will change the way you think about food, and if done
thoughtfully, TASTES FANTASTIC. I guarantee that within two months of eating
only plants, you’ll cringe when you walk by Safeway’s meat case. You’ll be
grossed out by rivers of cheese oozing from a slice of pepperoni pizza. The
acrid scent of bacon and eggs will bring on a surge of reverse peristalsis.
And you might eventually become embarrassingly aroused while strolling the
aisles of the organic section of your local produce department.
I have no medical tests to back up my friend’s progress in kicking the ass
of cardiovascular disease by way of a strict vegan diet. She fired her
cardiologist after he prescribed statins, which are at least 98% useless,
have major dangerous side effects, and don’t reverse arteriole plaque
buildup in any way. He then discussed future radical surgery, double checked
on her insurance coverage, and more or less told her to prepare to meet her
maker. She won’t be going back for further testing. Five months ago, she and
I became vegans. We both went from a B.M.I. (body mass index) of 24
(threshold of mildly overweight) to a B.M.I. of 21 (lower end of normal).
She has had no further health episodes, and does not expect any. Dr.
Esselstyn’s research would indicate that further plaque growth, heart
attack, stroke, angioplasty, bypass surgery, or untimely death are not in
her future. She is betting her life on it, and so far it appears to be
Che Guevara, Fidel & Raul Castro, and their men trained for the Cuban
Revolution by repeatedly climbing Mexico’s second highest volcano,
Popocatepetl. A few years back I too climbed several of Mexico’s lofty
summits, and would highly recommend it, but you can do you body an even
bigger favor by never again feeding it the poisonous, decaying flesh of dead
animals, their embryonic progeny, nor the mammary secretions meant for their
I share this information with you out of love and solidarity. We are few,
and if we are to defeat Empire, we must be healthy and strong. In the first
paragraph, I sent the agents of the enemy packing, because they deserve the
fate that awaits them. You do not. Even if the billions of animals
imprisoned, abused, raped, and murdered actually enjoyed the torturous
process of being consumed, they would still be nails in your coffin.
Empire’s Matrix hides many elephants in plain sight. There may yet be many
more, and we need to have the courage to recognize them for what they are.
Now I’m off to my cutting board to fine chop some kale, romaine, tomatoes,
carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage, and daikon…then add
chia/flax/pumpkin seeds, and blueberries. Sprinkle with raspberry vinegar,
and serve with a Black Bean Chipotle Gardenburger. By far the best news I
have to share is that red wine is totally VEGAN. Care to join me?
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We began this archive as a means of assisting our visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.