These vegan health articles are presented to assist you in taking a pro-active part in your own health.
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This report displays a severe and fatal lack of understanding of the concept of nutrition. It refers to evidence as if nutrition were a derivative of pharmacology... These authors have failed, miserably, in their understanding of this topic and are doing a great disservice to the public.
Also read: Physicians Group Files Federal Petition Against Annals of Internal Medicine over False Red Meat Claim AND Don’t Let Meat Industry Influence Dietary Guidelines
There’s a big story making all the lead news outlets today that is the very
definition of ‘fake news’. It concerns a new report published in the Annals of
Internal Medicine (Oct 1. doi: 10.7326/M19-1621), titled “Unprocessed red meat
and processed meat consumption: dietary guideline recommendations” from the
NutriRECS consortium”. It recommends that “adults continue current unprocessed
meat… [and] processed meat consumption,” and has made headlines in the New York
Times, the Washington Post, National Public Radio, CNN—almost everybody who’s
The paper is authored by 19 ‘scientists’ representing a relatively new
nutritional recommendations international consortium who claim to be producing
“rigorous evidence-based nutritional recommendations adhering to trustworthiness
standards”. They purport to be above the fray, careful to minimize conflicts of
The health effects of meat are not characterized by a simple cause and effect
relationship. There are many kinds of meat, many kinds of disease outcomes
(cancers, cardiovascular diseases, etc.), and many kinds of experimental studies
that have been used to investigate this relationship. It also has been a topic
of medical and scientific interest for many decades.
As a researcher, lecturer, and food and health policy participant, I have been
close to this topic for more than 6 decades. In fact, I have been a member or
chairman of the panels and committees whose findings are being challenged by
this new report. At present, I am just now finishing another book (with Nelson
Disla)—about 35 years in the making (no, this is not a typo!)—that focuses
precisely on why the science of nutrition has been so confusing for so long—for
at least two centuries. Within that vast literature on diet, nutrition and
health, I find that one of the major reasons, if not the most important, for
misunderstanding nutrition is the way research is conducted and the findings
Almost every phase of experimental research and clinical practice in the field
of ‘medicine’ are focused on very small parts of the total information. This
affects how we interpret causes, effects, mechanisms of effect (i.e., biological
plausibility), and disease treatment modalities. Likewise, marketing, media
coverage, and food and health policy development are all focused on very small
parts of the total information. The cost of this myopia is tremendous. For
example, animal protein dramatically increases the development of experimental
cancer, serum cholesterol and early heart disease, results of which are
consistent with short and long-term associations of animal protein-based diets
with human disease.
“This report displays a severe and fatal lack of understanding the concept of
With this background in mind, this new report on the effect of meat on human
health illustrates this problem as well as any other. Although the problems with
the original article are several, I suggest that the key misrepresentation is
the authors’ very poor understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of
randomized clinical trials (RCT, the so-called ‘gold standard’) and
observational (correlation) studies, by which they pass judgment on the
“quality” of the evidence. For them, quality is highest when results are
produced by RCT data and lowest when it relies on observational studies. The
opposite is true! RCT data have essentially no value for studies of nutritional
effects because RCT studies are only useful for studying specific entities (one
cause, one effect). This is not how nutrition works: nutrition involves
countless entities working together producing countless effects. Observational
studies are similarly dismissed as weak because of ‘residual confounding’
variables, which is a fair criticism, but only when the researcher makes the
same misassumption of single agent effects that are inoperative in nutrition.
This report displays a severe and fatal lack of understanding of the concept of
nutrition. It refers to evidence as if nutrition were a derivative of
pharmacology; this is a figment of the modern medical establishment’s
imagination. Rather than a derivative of pharmacology, nutrition is a science
discipline of the highest priority, and our failure to understand this
discipline has resulted in an unimaginable number of lives prematurely lost and
dollars wasted.
These authors have failed, miserably, in their understanding of this topic and
are doing a great disservice to the public.
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We began this archive as a means of assisting our visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.