A Vegan Health Article from All-Creatures.org
These vegan health articles are presented to assist our visitors in taking a pro-active part in their own health.
All-Creatures.org Health Position and Disclaimer
Table of Contents
See: Articles and References - Comments and Facts
Articles and References
- 7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat
- About The Invisible Vegan
- A Cure for Doctors’ Lack of Nutrition Education
- Agriculture and Health Policies: In Conflict
- American Dietetic Association (ADA) Sanctions Vegetarian Diets: Will Americans Follow?
- Animal Protein Linked to Increased Diabetes Risk
- An Ounce of Kale is Worth a Pound of Angioplasty
- Anti-Diabetes Foods
- Apple Versus Avandia: Vegan Diets Treat Diabetes
- Appropriate Planned Vegetarian Diets Are Healthful, May Help in Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Are Diabetics Prone to Colon Cancer?
- A Vegan Doctor Addresses the Protein Question
- Barnard Medical Center Service Opens January 5, 2016
- Behavior Change is Key for a Plant-Based Lifestyle Transformation
- Can a Vegan Diet Cure Diabetes?
- Can Children Be Vegan and Vegetarian?
- Can the Ketogenic Diet Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
- Could Changing Our Diets Defeat COVID-19?
- Cow's Milk May Raise Type 1 Diabetes Risk
- Dear Ego of Dr. Ignorant, a Response to an Anti-vegetarian Physician
- Dementia and Diabetes News: (Mis)Adventures in Nutrition in Medicine
- Diabetes
- Diabetes and Low-Fat Vegan Diet
- Diabetes Case History
- Diabetes Expert: Try Vegan Lifestyle
- Diabetes Linked to Increased Cancer Risk
- Diet and Diabetes - New Study (NotMilk)
- Diet and Diabetes (PCRM)
- Diet and Diabetes (Dr. Neal Barnard)
- Diet and Disease Prevention
- Dire Beasties Warning
- Dumb Diabetes News
- Eating Greens to Fight Disease
- Eating Meat Kills More People Than Previously Thought
- Eating Our Way to Disease
- Fish and Fish Oil Linked to Diabetes Risk
- Forbes Reports That Plant-Based Diet Is 'One Of The Healthiest Out There'
- Frustrations of Being a Plant-Based Cardiologist
- Gonzo Gastronomy: How the Food Industry Has Made Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction
- Got Heart Disease or Diabetes? You May Want to Find a New Doctor!
- 'Groundbreaking' Studies Say Plant-Based Diets Rich In Carbs Can Improve Type 1 Diabetes
- Healthcare in Crisis: RN Asks What's Food Got to Do With It?
- How Agriculture Subsidies Are Making Us Sick
- How I Reversed My Diabetes and Became Healthy at Last
- How Prediabetes Helped Me Find the Right Diet, Once and for All
- How Sick is the United States?
- How Sugar Can Destroy Your Health and Cause Cancer, Diabetes, Neurological Disease and Vitamin/Mineral Deficiencies
- I Lost 400 Pounds, Reversed 3 Chronic Diseases on a Whole-Food Vegan Diet
- It All Starts With Diet
- Kaiser Permanente Endorses Plant-Based Diets
- Lessons from the Dominican Republic
- Marketing Milk and Disease
- Meat Consumption and Diabetes Risk
- Milk
- Milk-Drinking Associated with Insulin
- Milk Linked to Health Problems
- Milk: Does It Really Do A Body Good?
- More Vegetables for Mom Decreases Risk of Diabetes for Baby
- Nearly Everything You Have Been Told About Diabetes Is False
- New Dietary Guidelines Back Plant-Based Diets to Fight Obesity
- New GEICO Multicity Study: Workers Lose Weight, Improve Diabetes on Plant-Based Diet
- New York Makes Plant-Based Hospital Meals the Law
- PCRM to Launch Spanish-Language Kickstart
- PCRM’s Native American Diabetes Prevention Classes Focus on Ancestral Foods
- Physicians Committee Health and Nutrition Literature
- Plant-Based Diet for Diabetes: What About Carbs?
- Plant-Based Diet Reverses Type 2 Diabetes in 84% of Patients, New Study Finds
Plant-Based Nutrition Saved His Life. Now, His Support Group Helps Thousands
- Plant Pure Nation: A Story of Food and Power
- Poll: Most Doctors Want To Discuss Nutrition With Patients but Feel Unprepared
- Q & A with Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD
- Redefining Normal
- Resistance and the Metabolic Syndrome
- Other Health Benefits
- Saturated Fat Affects More Than Your Cholesterol
- Shouldn't I Drink Milk?
- SOS: Saving Ourselves
- Spotlight on Diabetes
- Study shows vegan diet reduces risk of diabetes in African Americans
- Thanks, American Dietetic Association! I’ve Known It All Along!
- The Campaign to Get 10,000 Black Women to Go Vegan!
- The Cheese Trap: Fighting Diabetes with a Dairy-Free Diet
- The NEW China Study
- The Plant-Based Lifestyle Is the Best Medicine I’ve Ever Prescribed
- There Is a Way to Help Avoid Heart Disease and Diabetes: You Are What You Eat!
- Think Eating Healthy’s a Pain? Diabetes is the Real Pain.
- Type-2 Diabetes – The Expected Adaptation to Over-Nutrition
- Type 2 Diabetic Loses 100 Pounds And Normalizes Blood Sugar On A Plant-Based Diet
- USDA Demonizes Starch, While Promoting Meat, Dairy, and Disease
- USDA Recognizes Value of Vegan Foods
- Vegan Diet Reverses Diabetes Symptoms
- Vegans Need to Eat More Greens, Beans and Nuts
- Vegans Win Again: Egg Intake Linked to Diabetes Risk
- Vegetables in Pregnancy Lowers Child's Diabetes Risk
- What Every Vegan Needs to Know about the Advantages and Pitfalls of Vegan Diets
- What's Wrong with Dairy Products
- What The Health
- When Friends Ask: Where Do You Get Your Protein?
- Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health
- Why Has the FDA Allowed a Drug Marked "Not Safe for Use in Humans" to Be Fed to Livestock Right Before Slaughter?
- 'World's First': Hospital Serves Patients Exclusively Vegan Menu After Ditching Animal Products
Comments and Facts
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Visit Food Hazards in Animal Flesh and By-products
All-Creatures.org Health Position and Disclaimer
We began this archive as a means of assisting our
visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in
encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe
the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting
them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet
has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we
have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own
body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.