Heart Disease and Problems
A Vegan Health Article from All-Creatures.org
These vegan health articles are presented to assist our visitors in taking a pro-active part in their own health.
All-Creatures.org Health Position and Disclaimer
Heart Disease and Problems
Table of Contents
See: Articles and References - Comments and Facts
Articles and References
- 7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat
- 7 Tips for Sticking With Your New Vegan Diet
- 52 Good Reasons to Abandon Milk and Dairy!
- 2012 PCRM School Lunch Report Card: Results
- About The Invisible Vegan
- A Cure For Cancer? Eating A Plant-Based Diet
- A Cure for Doctors’ Lack of Nutrition Education
- African American Vegan Starter Guide (FREE PDF)
- A Goal of (Profitable) Mediocrity in the Fight Against Heart Disease: The APOC3 Mutation Story
- A Little Tofu, for Those Middle-Aged Bones
- Additive Used in U.S. Meat Production May Be Too Dangerous Even for Codex
- Age and Disease: Our Health, Disease and "Old Age" Are Formed on the Molecular Battlefield of Antioxidants vs. Free Radicals
- Aging with pets isn’t just a sentimental concern — but a matter of health and wellness
- American Dietetic Association (ADA) Sanctions Vegetarian Diets: Will Americans Follow?
- An Ounce of Kale is Worth a Pound of Angioplasty
- Appropriate Planned Vegetarian Diets Are Healthful, May Help in Disease Prevention and Treatment
- A Revolution to Restore America’s Health Crisis: The Scientific View
- Behavior Change is Key for a Plant-Based Lifestyle Transformation
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Your Credibility Is Tarnished
- CDC Should Prescribe Plant-Based Diet for Middle-Aged Hearts
- Cholesterol and Heart Disease
- CNN Features Man Who Lost 245 Pounds on a Vegan Diet
- Controlling Cholesterol & Beating Heart Disease
- Could Changing Our Diets Defeat COVID-19?
- Dear Ego of Dr. Ignorant, a Response to an Anti-vegetarian Physician
- Death by Protein
- Dementia and Diabetes News: (Mis)Adventures in Nutrition in Medicine
- Denis Burkitt, MD Opened McDougall's Eyes to Diet and Disease
- Dr. McDougall's 2004 Letter to Bill Clinton
- Dr. Oz Just Called the Vegan Diet the 'Single Biggest Movement of 2017'
- Eat the peel? Antioxidant Power of Peels and Seeds
- Eating For the Planet
- Eating Our Way to Disease
- Eggs - New Heart Health Food? Or Rotten Reporting?
- Eliminating Dairy Critical for Stroke Recovery
- Enjoy Soy: Dr. Debunks Scaremonger Stories, Says Soy Beneficial For People And The Planet
- Fight Heart Disease and Cancer with Soy Antioxidants
- Fish Can Cause You Heart Disease
- Fish Oil Increases Risk of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Some Patients
- From Hospice to Healthy: How a Plant-Based Diet Saved Mom's Life and Inspired a Business
- Frustrations of Being a Plant-Based Cardiologist
- Get Fabulously Fit with Fiber
- Going Cold Turkey From Meat
- Gonzo Gastronomy: How the Food Industry Has Made Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction
- Got Heart Disease or Diabetes? You May Want to Find a New Doctor!
- Great Honor Bestowed on Dr. McDougall by the Hawaii Senate
- Have Humans Evolved As Carnivores - Or Herbivores?
- Healing and Transformation - Clergywoman Reflects on a Plant-Based Diet Transition
- Health Care and Healthy Eating
- Heart Attacks, Side-Effects, or a Healthy Diet
- Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure
- Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke
- Heart Doctors Tout Vegetarian Diets
- Heart Surgeons Kill First Man on the Moon: Neil Armstrong
- "House of Vegan" CEO Sheds Light on Dubai's Increasing Embrace of Plant-Based Lifestyles
- How I Reversed My Diabetes and Became Healthy at Last
- How Sick is the United States?
- How the Lack of Water and the Wrong Water Type Can Destroy Your Health and Cause Heart Disease, Cancer, and all other Diseases
- How Sick is the United States?
- Hullabaloo! A State of Confused Noise Surrounding Meat Consumption
- Interview with the Director of Eating You Alive Paul Kennamer
- I Overcame a Life of Meat, Junk Food and Sickness by Adopting a Plant-Based Diet
- In a Fog? Could Be the Fish
- Ironman with Declining Cardiac Health Found That Food Matters
- Is There Something Fishy About Fish Oil?
- It All Starts With Diet
- Kaiser Permanente Endorses Plant-Based Diets
- KFC's Double Down, Their Latest Double Cross
- Loving Animals Is Good for Us
- Milk
- Milk Linked to Health Problems
- Misleading Mediterranean Diets: Another Look at the Evidence
- More Than Coronary Artery Disease
- My Journey Back To Health: From Code Blue to Plant-Based and Thriving
- New Dietary Guidelines Back Plant-Based Diets to Fight Obesity
- New GEICO Multicity Study: Workers Lose Weight, Improve Diabetes on Plant-Based Diet
- New York Makes Plant-Based Hospital Meals the Law
- New York Senate passes groundbreaking bill requiring vegan options in all hospitals
- Nutrition and Coronary Heart Disease
- Over-treat Your Blood Pressure and You Could Die Sooner
- Patient Googles His Way Out of Bypass Surgery
- Paylean: Drug in Conventionally Raised Meat Linked to Cancer and Heart Disease
- Paying a Price for Loving Red Meat
- Physicians Group Files Federal Petition Against Annals of Internal Medicine over False Red Meat Claim
- Plant Based Docs To Take On Europe's 'Meat And Dairy' Heartlands
Plant-Based Nutrition Saved His Life. Now, His Support Group Helps Thousands
- Poll: Most Doctors Want To Discuss Nutrition With Patients but Feel Unprepared
- Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Most Common and Deadly Diseases
- Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease
- Public Health Crisis Solved!
- Put Down the Cheeseburger
- Q & A with Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD
- Reply to Dr. Andrew Weil’s Article on Saturated Fats
- Resolving the Coronary Artery Disease Epidemic through Plant-Based Nutrition
- Rip Esselstyn: Plant-Strong!
- SB 380 Will Require Physicians to Learn about Human Nutrition
- Sodium, Caffeine, and Alcohol
- SOS: Saving Ourselves
- Surviving Holiday Heart Attack Season: A Cardiologist's Advice
- Thanks, American Dietetic Association! I’ve Known It All Along!
- The Antidote
- The Clintons: Chelsea (Pregnant), Hillary Unhealthy), and Bill (Healthy)
- The Dish on Grains
- The Egyptian Mummy Diet Paradox
- The Foundation for Resolutions
- The Most Dangerous Place in The United States
- The Paleo Diet Is Uncivilized (And Unhealthy and Untrue)
- The Plant-Based Lifestyle Is the Best Medicine I’ve Ever Prescribed
- The Tipping Point
- There Is a Way to Help Avoid Heart Disease and Diabetes: You Are What You Eat!
- Too Many Cancer Promises and Too Much Professional Arrogance?
- Top 10 Plant-Based Research and News Stories of 2016
- Trans-Fatty Acids are Good For You?
- Turner Field Billboard Warns Braves Fans of Cancer-Hot Dog Link
- USDA Recognizes Value of Vegan Foods
- Vegan Nutrition: The Science is on Our Side
- Vegans Need to Eat More Greens, Beans and Nuts
- Vegetarian Diet and Healthy Lifestyle Rejuvenate Coronary Arteries
- Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health
- What About Nuts and Oils?
- What Every Vegan Needs to Know about the Advantages and Pitfalls of Vegan Diets
- What The Health
- When Friends Ask: Where Do You Get Your Protein?
- Women Who Swallow Horse Urine for Health
- 'World's First': Hospital Serves Patients Exclusively Vegan Menu After Ditching Animal Products
Comments and Facts
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All-Creatures.org Health Position and Disclaimer
We began this archive as a means of assisting our
visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in
encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe
the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting
them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet
has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we
have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own
body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.