Protein Diets, High
A Vegan Health Article from
These vegan health articles are presented to assist our visitors in taking a pro-active part in their own health. Health Position and Disclaimer
Protein Diets, High
Table of Contents
See: Articles and References - Comments and Facts
Articles and References
- 7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat
- 25+ Vegan Sources of Calcium
- A Brief History of Protein: Passion, Social Bigotry, Rats, and Enlightenment
- Abandoning a Child After Cancer is Diagnosed
- Animal Protein Linked to Death
- Animal Protein Linked to Increased Diabetes Risk
- Answers to the Plant Based Diet Protein-Deficiency Myth
- Be Vegan. Make animal-free protein the norm in 2024
- A Vegan Doctor Addresses the Protein Question
- But Where Do You Get Your Protein?
- Chemotherapy By Sickness-Induced Starvation
- Congress Passes MAKE THE CHILDREN SICK Legislation
- Concerns about Protein, Calcium, and Iron: Reducing Meat and Dairy Products in the American Diet
- Controlling Cholesterol; Beating Heart Disease
- Death by Protein
- Demystifying Vegan Nutrition: Top 4 FAQs Explained
- Eat with your brain and not with your tongue
- EVEN Interview with Janice Stanger, PhD
- Excess protein-on-the-brain syndrome
- Feeding Your Bones
- Federal Report Finds Plant-Based Diet is Best; Meat Industry Is Unhappy
- From Unhealthy to World-Champion Powerlifter on a Plant-Based Diet
- Future Food Trends: What Will Plant-Based Diets Look Like?
- Healing with Plant-Based Nutrition: Interview with Dr. T. Colin Campbell
- High-Protein Diets - Are You Losing More than Weight?
- I Overcame a Life of Meat, Junk Food and Sickness by Adopting a Plant-Based Diet
- Is a Vegetarian/Vegan Diet Safe?
- Lessons from the Dominican Republic
- Low-Carb (But Not Paleo) Diets for Vegans
- Meat-Eaters Have Significantly Higher Blood Pressure Than Vegetarians, Vegans
- Nutrition, Politics, and the Destruction of Scientific Integrity
- Plant-based Erections
- Portugal's Surgeon General Endorses Plant Based Diet
- Power Plate - Power Sources
- Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Most Common and Deadly Diseases
- Proof that the Atkins Diet Works Like
- Public Health Crisis Solved!
- Questioning the Ethics and Science of a Pure Vegan Diet
- Milk and Multiple Sclerosis
- Settling The Soy Controversy
- Showing Compassion to Your Body
- The 4 Keys to Strong Bones
- The Atkins' Cancer Revolution
- The Atkins Diet: Dead Meat
- The Atkins Scientific Research – Deceit and Disappointment
- The Clintons: Chelsea (Pregnant), Hillary Unhealthy), and Bill (Healthy)
- The Diet Wars
- The Liver – Savior from Our Own Abuses
- The Protein Myth
- The Skinny on Atkins
- The Zone Diet - A Challenge by Michael Klaper, MD
- What Every Vegan Needs to Know about the Advantages and Pitfalls of Vegan Diets
- Where Will I Get My Protein?
- World Kidney Day 2020: Plant-Based Diets Offer Hope For Prevention And Treatment Of Kidney Disease
- You Are What You Eat: What Does the 2023 Stanford Twins Nutrition Study Really Show?
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Visit Food Hazards in Animal Flesh and By-products Health Position and Disclaimer
We began this archive as a means of assisting our
visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in
encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe
the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting
them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet
has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we
have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own
body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.