These vegan health articles are presented to assist our visitors in taking a pro-active part in their own health. Health Position and Disclaimer
Three million American women have heard the news that premarin use can lead to cancer, stroke, and heart attacks. In 1999, 12 million American women regularly took Premarin. In 2014, 9 million women will take Premarin.
But a mermaid has no tears, and
therefore she suffers so much more.
- Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid
Do horses cry? Although horses have tear ducts which lubricate their
eyes, equine experts agree that like mermaids, horses do not cry. Do horses
pain? One would require simple horse sense to jump to that foalish nightmare
Horse urine is often prescribed for women who experience hot flashes as they transition into menopause. The horse urine contains horse estrogen. What say I to such treatment? our hooves down with a big neigh! The traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is to administer horse piss with progesterone (medroxyprogesterone acetate).
The medical community is not yet aware of what you are about to read regarding medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). This leading edge research will be published four months from today in the November, 2014 issue of the Journal of Biomedical Optics. In that regard, Notmilk readers are way ahead of the learning curve. Using sophisticated new microscopy techniques, scientists at the Departments of Bioengineering and Pharmacology at the University of Colorado measured the effects of MPA on breast cancer cells and conclude:
Cancer cells upon exposure to medroxyprogesterone acetate have an increased number and size of intracellular lipid droplets and higher degree of saturation than untreated cells.
Unlike horses and mermaids, women who develop breast cancers after taking horse urine pills do cry real tears.
The most popular HRT in America is a stinky yellow pill called premarin. Premarin stands for Pregnant Mare Urine. Estrogen from horse urine is processed and formed into an easy-to-swallow bitter pill.
Three million American women have heard the news that premarin use can lead to cancer, stroke, and heart attacks. In 1999, 12 million American women regularly took Premarin. In 2014, 9 million women will take Premarin.
Do post menopausal women who take premarin suffer serious neurological health challenges?
This was a question studied by doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and n the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois. Their results were published in The journal Neurology ON February 4, 2014. Researchers found:
Conjugated equine estrogen (CEE), when combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate, doubled the risk of dementia in women who initiated treatment at age 65 years and later.
Let's consider the pregnant horses.
On dairy farms, cows are (more often than not) artificially impregnated in order to give milk to their newly birthed calves. Immediately after birth, the calves are separated from their mothers. The males are killed, while the females are raised to replace their mothers who average another 35 months of stressed milking before being sent to slaughter.
Brood mares are also artificially impregnated and ultimately give birth to a foal. During the pregnancy, the mare urinates estrogen-rich horse piss which is collected by well-trained pee harvesters. Urine is then processed for post-menopausal who are destined to suffer adverse health issues, including dementia.
My suspicion is that the scientist who thunk of this process is a past bankrupted horserace gambler who was abused by his own mother and is now seeking revenge against the universe.
How many horses have suffered?
Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company has tortured over 900,000 mares in this manner. These horses are kept in 8' by 3' stalls and are rarely able to move or turn around or lie down during their seven month confinement. A Rube Goldberg-like system of pulleys hold up the horse, which develops painful rashes and sores during the process.
One might imagine that the horses receive ample amounts of water which induces urination, but that is far from the truth. In order to create estrogen-rich urine, the horses are given only enough water to keep them alive.
The baby horses are immediately separated from their mothers and sent to feedlots to be fattened for slaughter. The mothers are then re-impregnated.
This YouTube video is 4:46 and provides more truth than any woman wants to accept about premarin: The Bitter Truth About Premarin
'Look,' Peter said.
To the north was a series of vast grassy plains,
and there, just looking like specks at first, was
a herd of horses, a species that in Neverland had
never been tamed. They were beautiful, flashes of
brown and black and tan, their coats gleaming. There
was no reason for them to be running that Tiger Lily
could see. It was likely that they just loved to run.
'That's what I want my life to be,' Peter said,
staring down at the horses.
Tiger Lily sank against him and watched the herd,
and thought that was what she wanted too.
- Jodi Lynn Anderson, Tiger Lily
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We began this archive as a means of assisting our visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.