Breeder: 'The Thoroughbred industry continues to shrink and has a massive damage control and marketing issue.'
In an LTE published in BloodHorse Friday, prominent breeder Roderick Wachman makes his appeal for industry unity, calling for the “agenda-driven squabbling to stop and for everyone to put their shoulders to the wheel and try to take control of our industry’s destiny.”
What drew me, though, were his first few lines:
“The Thoroughbred industry continues to shrink and has a massive damage control and marketing issue. As things stand, we look like a passenger ship on a collision course with an iceberg. … Clearly, the anti-racing lobby is well supported and is getting prime-time slots on mainstream media.”
Then this: “We’ve all seen what happened to Greyhound racing, and
horse racing seems to be on the same fateful path.”
Not seems, Mr. Wachman, is.