Follows are some of the heartening comments and emails we have
received. Progress.
Kimberly Austin-Routhier, 2/6/22
“Today is the day. It’s been coming for a few years now and is a very difficult one for me. I have had horses since I was five and grew up at the tracks in Ohio. We currently have two horses. I have friends in the industry, including where I live in PA. I can no longer support the ‘sport’ of horse racing. I will from now on, be an advocate for the horses, instead of the people who are abusing their horses. I can no longer say these people care about their horses when they continue to drug and kill them. I am already sharing the petition for PA with all of my friends. I hope I can make a difference. Thank you for your help in coming to this decision.”
Jeanette Jackson, 2/5/22
“After all these years of loving thoroughbreds, I can no longer support racing. This has been a long time coming, but horseracing has changed so much that it is unrecognizable. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. I refuse to be part of the problem anymore. Your website has gone a long way towards changing my mind and my attitude. No more casual cruelty, no more casual death. I can’t take it anymore.”
Nancy J., 1/31/22
“Thank you for your website about racehorses. I had heard that the
owners of racehorses didn’t treat their horses right, but I didn’t
know the details until I read your website. I grew up in Tennessee
and I LOVE horses! I love the smell and everything about them.
“Until your article, my husband, William, and I had planned to go to
a Kentucky Derby just to let me see the precious majestic animals.
After reading your articles, I will NOT GO, for sure not! Please
keep up the good work! It means a lot to see the truth with great
explanation. I know it is the truth because I know, unfortunately,
people have an insatiable desire for money, regardless of the cost,
and gamblers are the worst offenders, not to mention the people that
cater to them.
“Thank you again for your website and the excellent information!
Please keep it available for people like us.”