Animals in Labs Article from

Rix-Rat: Docile Specimen

From Jessica Williams
Facebook posting, October 2022

Rix-Rat was bred with malicious intent to be the MOST docile “specimen” to be used easily in testing that benefits nobody. The science is clear. Testing on dogs does not translate to humans, yet beagles are used (STILL) more than any others because of their loving nature.

rescued Beagle

My life hasn’t been the same after watching firsthand the resilience of this naturally loving, trusting creature.

He was bred with malicious intent to be the MOST docile “specimen” to be used easily in testing that benefits nobody. The science is clear. Testing on dogs does not translate to humans, yet beagles are used (STILL) more than any others because of their loving nature.

Four years out, my Rix (who was supposed to be a foster when some wonderful people, Kaliska and Doug, brought 14 dogs to run on grass for the first time where I was staying at the time), dug a place in my heart that will always be his.

He’s got 2 tattoos and a few other physical scars (internal and external), but the psychological trauma I saw in him from day 1 was the most heartbreaking. They all, like many others, would have been euthanized after testing was completed.

I’ve watched him learn to trust, first me and then others. I’ve seen him shake with fear and run away from things that he’ll now cautiously approach. I think God sent him to me and allowed me to watch him learn to move beyond his past trauma and fears to embolden me to make some of the biggest and most meaningful choices I’ve made in my life! (Doctorate school in mid-40s seems ridiculous).

I’ve always been an animal lover, but this has been a truly life-changing experience .

Thank you, God, for your gift of animal companions and I LOVE you, Rix-Rat!

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