Animals in Labs Article from
Government white coats conduct Wuhan-style virus
manipulation experiments on animals with the most dangerous pathogens known
to humankind, with no pain relief medicaiton.

Taxpayer-funded mad scientists at Rocky Mountain Laboratory RML have
been subjecting primates to unspeakable suffering. It’s a National
Institutes of Health (NIH) super lab in Montana where government
white coats conduct Wuhan-style virus manipulation experiments on
animals with the most dangerous pathogens known to humankind.
For three long years, they've been infecting crab-eating macaque
monkeys with two rare and extremely deadly viruses – Tai Forest
virus and Marburg virus – just to watch them suffer horribly and
- Intentionally Infected: First, they inject the primates with deadly
diseases. Two of their “control” monkeys don’t receive any treatment
after they are infected and will die within DAYS.
- Devastating Symptoms: As the virus takes over their small bodies,
they begin to experience excruciating symptoms. They will bleed
uncontrollably. They lose their ability to walk, eat or drink. They
struggle to breathe. They develop dementia and lose all physical and
mental awareness.
- No Anesthesia. No Pain Relief: The white coats REFUSE to provide
them with any medication to relieve their suffering. They feel every
ounce of pain to the fullest extent.
- Solitary Confinement: Monkeys are extremely social creatures. But
white coats at RML force them to endure their painful final days all
alone in a small, cold, steel cage.
- No Survivors: Any victim that survives 42 days post-infection will
be slaughtered anyway.
- Your Tax Bill? Your hard-earned tax dollars foot the bill for this
cruelty… to the tune of $12.8 million since 2020!
to end these atrocities, to go
White Coat
Waste Project's website.
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