We’ve had these data for decades. Having a new method to measure emotions doesn’t mean much for the individual animals who are still being killed and eaten. Regardless of 'results,' no animal can thrive on a factory farm.
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen are developing an
automated emotion recognition tool that they claim can be used to
assess pig welfare on farms. Lead researcher Elodie Briefer thinks
this technology can be an important tool for determining positive
welfare in animals, which looks beyond just the alleviation of
suffering to how animals can have more fulfilled lives.
“Animals need to thrive,” says Briefer in an interview with
Copenhagen University, “It is not enough that they are in good
physical shape or you reduce negative emotions.”
To create the technology, researchers collected previously recorded
vocalizations from pigs in past studies. From this data, they
selected 7,414 pig calls from some of the more disturbing moments in
the pigs’ lives. The data included a 2015 experiment [Expression
of Emotional Arousal in Two Different Piglet Call Types] in
which piglets were placed on their backs and forcibly held down to
record their reactions. In other experiments that were used, piglets
were subjected to castrations without anesthesia or pain medications
and recorded as they were waiting to be slaughtered, kept in social
isolation, or held in small boxes....
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.