While scientists in the 21st century are increasingly speaking up about flawed animal experiments, the knowledge that animal experiments are inherently flawed is not new.
The below statements, spanning the twentieth century, show that the
failings of animal research have always been apparent.
1920s - 1950s
"Work on [the polio vaccine] was long delayed by the erroneous
conception of the nature of human disease, based on the misleading
experimental models of the disease in monkeys."
~ Dr. Albert Sabin, inventor of the polio vaccine, testifying on
April 26, 1984 before the House of Representatives, Subcommittee on
Hospitals and Health Care, Committee of Veterans Affairs, serial no.
"The methods of assessing toxicity in animals are largely empirical
and unvalidated... It is urgently necessary to know whether the
tests as in fact conducted have sufficient predictive value to be
justifiable, or whether they are a colossal waste of resources to no
good purpose."
~ Professors Laurence, McLean and Weatherall, writing in the
introduction to their book, Safety Testing of New Drugs - Laboratory
Predictions and Clinical Performance, ed. DR Laurence, AEM McLean &
M Weatherall, publ. Academic Press, 1984.
"Surely not even the most zealous toxicologist would deny that
epidemiology, and epidemiology alone, has indicted and incriminated
the cigarette as a potent carcinogenic agent, or would claim that
experimental animal toxicology could ever have done the job with the
same definition."
~ Dr. Michael Utidjian, writing in Perspectives in Basic and Applied
Toxicology, p 309-329, ed. Bryan Ballantyne, publ. Butterworth, 1988
"Extrapolating from one species to another is fraught with
uncertainty…For almost all of the chemicals tested to date, rodent
bioassays have not been cost-effective. They give limited and
uncertain information on carcinogenicity, generally give no
indication of mechanism of action, and require years to complete.
[They are] rarely the best approach for deciding whether to classify
a chemical as a human carcinogen."
~ Dr. Lester Lave, of Carnegie Mellon Univ., and Drs. Ennever,
Rosenkrantz and Omenn, writing in Nature, Vol 336, p 631, 1988
"The standard carcinogen tests that use rodents are an obsolescent
relic of the ignorance of past decades."
~ Philip Abelson, Editor of Science. Science (1990), Sep 21, p 1357.
"Scientists have been modeling ischemic stroke in animals for over
150 years and have devised many ingenious methods to try to mimic
the human condition. … While the use of these experimental models
has provided much information about the methods of producing and
potentially treating cerebral ischemia and infarction in animal
species, the relevance of most of these data to the human condition
remains dubious."
~ Wiebers DO, Adams HP Jr, Whisnant JP. Animal models of stroke: are
they relevant to human disease? Stroke. 1990 Jan;21(1):1-3.
"We always have a battle on the issue of what to do with the animal
~ Dr. Edward Stein, Health Scientist, US Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (Brinkley, 1993).
"So much evidence has accumulated that chemicals frequently have
wholly different effects in animals and humans that officials
throughout government and industry often do not act on the studies’
~ Brinkley, Joel, New York Times, "Many say lab-animal tests fail to
measure human risk," March 23, 1993, p A1
"It is impossible to give reliable general rules for the validity of
extrapolation from one species to another. [This] can often only be
verified after the first trials in the target species [humans].
Extrapolation from animal models. . . will always remain a matter of
~ Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science , Volume II: Animal Models
Svendensen and Hau (Eds.) CRC Press 1994 p6.
"The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer
in the mouse … We have cured mice of cancer for decades, and it
simply didn’t work in humans."
~ Dr. Richard Klausner, National Cancer Institute, LA Times, May 6,
"Animal tests were neither needed, nor used, to explore the ability
of the protease inhibitors to block the growth of the AIDS virus. In
this case, the target actions was already well-understood and could
be evaluated before the clinical trials using computers, cell
culture and biochemical assays."
~ Bennett M. Shapiro, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Basic
Research, Merck & Co. Inc, NJ, Positive Nation, December
1997/January 1998.
"I can't tell you what it is that those [chimpanzee] studies have
given us that has really made a difference in the way we approach
people with this disease [HIV/AIDS]."
~ Thomas Insel, MD, former director of the Yerkes Regional Primate
Center as quoted in The Scientist 13[16]:7, Aug. 16, 1999.