Wasteful Zombie Kitten Experiments
Animals in Labs Article from All-Creatures.org

FROM Devin Murphy, White Coat Waste Project
March 2022

Documents obtained by WCW describe how Louisville VA experimenters have wasted over $1 million damaging kittens’ spines to disable them. After the kittens are maimed, they are forced to run on treadmills and through obstacle courses.

Cat experiment

Following recent campaign victories by White Coat Waste Project (WCW), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the last federal agency still performing painful experiments on cats and kittens. Its taxpayer-funded “research” at the Louisville VA—one of only two VA cat labs—is the stuff of nightmares, but it’s closer than ever to ending.

Documents obtained by WCW describe how Louisville VA experimenters have wasted over $1 million damage kittens’ spines to disable them. After the kittens are maimed, they are forced to run on treadmills and through obstacle courses. Then the “zombie” experiments begin: parts of the cats’ brains are removed, and their brain stems are severed. While the kittens are unable to respond, experimenters maim their legs, and before they have a chance to "recover," they are forced to run on treadmills yet again. Then, they are finally killed.


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE (PDF).

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