The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation


Letters and Responses

Letter from Bobby Anderson Concerning Our Internet Ministry and Catholic Concern for Animals - 9 Sep 2004

Thank you so much for your beautiful website. Your photo journal pictures have warmed my heart and inspired me to continue striving to express the compassion and love God has put in our hearts for all of his creatures, his complete creation.

Especially thank you for sponsoring Catholic Concern for Animals. I am going to introduce this wonderful organization to as many Catholic churches as possible. I would like to sponsor an announcement of CCA or better yet submit an article about them to the most widely read Catholic publications in the U.S. Any ideas on this?

Also, of course, I would direct readers to this website for inspiration as well as education. Thanks again. So many of us count on you just being here. You're like a rock, something we know is there no matter how rough the waters may become. A safe place, a refuge, a place where we can refresh and refuel.

God bless you.

Bobbie Anderson

Reply from Frank L. Hoffman

Dear Bobbie:

Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement.

What ever you write about, we would suggest that you send both Deborah Jones of CCA and us a copy, so that we can publish it on the internet. This way your message will reach the maximum number of people.

One of the best ways to get something published is to be topically current (holidays, current events, response to an article, etc). So, if you can work your message into something that the publications want, then you have a much better chance of getting it published.

In the Love of the Lord,


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