The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
Letters and Responses
Letter from Michelle Concerning Our Web Site Ministry and Christian Cruelty - 10 Jan 2005
I saw your site, and I would just like to thank you for changing my view.
I used to think ALL Christians were ignorant killers who held animal life to no more of a non-living object rather than the feeling, breathing, heart beating creatures they actually are. I myself do not have a particular religion, but my disgust for the way Christians treated animals was immense.
It seemed only Christians looked at animals as inferior. They thought they had the right to kill animals because they believed animals were put here by God to be exploited and used by them. I know there are non-Christians who think this way too, but the majority of animal abusers and murderers are indeed of the Christian faith. Their treatment of animals made me bitter toward the whole human race. To treat our fellow mammals in such cruel and barbaric ways is absolutely unacceptable. It's too bad these people don't stop for a minute to think: What if they were that animal?
I am a vegetarian. I'm very against all forms of animal testing, and everything else that has to do with animals being treated as inferior. I respect all religions, but I hated Christians because of their view of animal life as not being equal, or sacred in any way. Because of your website, I now see that not all Christians are ignorant, and there are some who aren't thick-headed Neanderthals who carelessly throw animal life away. Thank-you for letting me see this. For it is a fact, not just an opinion, that torture and any kind of intentional cruelty to all species is evil.
Thanks for reading. :)
Reply by Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Michelle:
Thank you very much for your very encouraging and candid letter. We hear from people all the time who have similar perspectives and feelings about Christianity, and from compassionate Christians who feel alienated from their churches.
The problem that you have seen in Christianity is the main reason that we started our Internet ministry. The cruel treatment of animals is definitely against the teaching of the Bible and Jesus Christ; it is a human "doctrine" used to justify their sinful way of life.
We hope to hear from you again.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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