The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
Letters and Responses
Letter from Michelle Concerning Our Web Site Ministry and Christian Cruelty - 12 Jan 2005 - Part 4
I completely agree. Christians who think that it is right to murder and exploit animals are not true Christians. Does it not say in the Bible, "Thou Shall not murder?" It never specifically pointed out a certain species. Then it would have said, "Thou shall not murder other humans." So therefore, any taking away of life of any species is murder, and the Bible clearly states not to do it. There's also "Do unto others" and tons of other verses that condemn the mistreatment and killing of every living creature.
I grew up with the Bible, so I know it pretty well. It seems these so-called Christians choose to ignore those verses, and focus on the ones that they can use to their own advantage. How can these so-called Christians overlook these important verses? You've already answered that: Their lust for satisfying their flesh, and using anyone or anything to do it. They are greedy and selfish, and lack a heart and conscience. They are not true Christians, and they give all Christians a bad reputation. A true Christian follows the WHOLE Bible, not just certain parts.
Unfortunately there are so many of these who claim to be Christians. That's what led me astray in the first place to hate Christians for their barbaric way of thinking. It's a good thing I stumbled upon your website, otherwise I would have gone on hating, and thinking all Christians show cruelty to animals and do not respect life. I am very grateful to you. Now I realize I was being ignorant to think in such a way, even though it's hard not to, since such a large number of a certain group thinks this way. But now that I see what a true Christian is, I no longer will show any anger against Christians, just the people with savage thinking who deserve it.
Thank you again, and God bless you.
Response from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Michelle:
There's a phrase that describes what these hard of heart Christians are doing; it�s called "proof-texting." It is a way of selectively quoting only those Bible verses that agree with one�s position and ignoring the others.
This is a form of giving false testimony, which is another of the "Thou shalt nots."
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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