LettersLetter from Ashley Concerning Cruelty to Animals in Religious Celebrations - 26 Jan 2005
Letters From All-Creatures.org and The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

Letter from Ashley Concerning Cruelty to Animals in Religious Celebrations - 26 Jan 2005


I am currently doing an assignment for religion and my topic is:

How sacred is the life of an animal?

I am looking at the way animals are treated for religious purposes, such as in festivals worldwide.

I am often sickened by the cruel acts carried out towards animals and I think it is particularly bad if these acts are carried out by members of religious congregations.

Can you tell me a few things:

Firstly, have there been any major incidents concerning Christian churches and animal cruelty in recent years?

Also, why is it that in countries such as Spain and Portugal acts of animal cruelty are condoned?

Any help or reply would be appreciated.



Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman

Dear Ashley:

From what we've learned and believe, the problem of using animal in religious celebrations in countries like Spain and Portugal, and having such acts condoned, is because the Catholic Church has not taken a firm stand against these atrocities. This was also the problem is parts of Africa when the Catholic Church allowed the sacrificing of animals.

This problem is not just with the Catholic Church but with all other religions and denomination for their lack of compassion and intestinal fortitude in taking a formal stand against all forms of animal cruelty.

We hope this helps.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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