The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation


Letters and Responses

Letter From Lee Mackey Concerning Our Web Site Ministry - 5 Feb 2005


A few weeks ago my friend and I were browsing the Religion section our local newspaper, when we came upon a snippet "website of the week" box about your website. Thrilled like we were, she read the article out loud and I insisted on cutting it out to flaunt around school the next day. It made for an exciting evening. You see, we have a friend named Sammy that, despite being compassionate in many other of life's venues, just doesn't seem to believe in not eating or wearing animals, because they "don't have souls."

The next day we gleefully got the chance to show her this article (and perhaps, the error of her ways), but all we got was a half-smile and a "Okay, okay...I'll check it out." She still eats meat, unfortunately, but we're on our way to breaking her down. So thanks for that.

Lee Mackey

Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman

Dear Lee:

Thank you very much for writing and telling us being the "web site of the week" and how you were able to use the information to help further compassionate living. What newspaper was it in?

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Reply from Lee Mackey

Dear Frank and Mary,

I read about your website in The Dallas Morning News (which had a very good article today about a young nun). Keep up the good work!


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