Letter from Mandi about Connecting with Christian-Animal Rights People - 22 June 2005
Hello there
I am a committed Christian originally from the UK, but now living in Brisbane, Qld Australia. I hope to return to study to gain qualifications for vocational work on behalf of animals full time. I would also love to embark on something here (voluntarily) to support animals but feel I would lack support even more than funds. I am very keen to connect with like minded individuals and feel a sense of loneliness as the Christians closest to me do not share the same level of interest with regard to animals and the environment.
I am very concerned that many of the well known organisations that support animals are not even faith based and so called born again spirit filled Christians have little or no concern (not wishing to sound judgemental). It is also very interesting to note that the majority of Christians are such heavy meat eaters!
I have considered doing voluntary work for my local Animal Liberation but as you may be aware these groups are generally extremist and conduct their affairs contrary to Christian belief.
If you know of anyone at this end of the world with whom I could connect, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I truly believe that with God's wisdom and direction Christians can make a difference.
Bless you
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Mandi:
Thank you very much for writing and for telling us about yourself. You are not alone!
We have a couple of connection suggestion:
We host the veg-Christian email discussion group. If you would like to join, we would love to have you, and there are others on the list from your part of the world.
At the bottom of the left column on our home page there is a link to the Christian Vegetarian Association, which as a lot of animal rights people on it too, and they also have an email list.
It would be best if you DIDN'T join any extremist groups. We believe they do more harm than good.
The internet can also open up a lot of doors around the world, and if you your like to write some articles we love to publish them.
We look forward to hearing from you.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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