The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
and All-Creatures.Org
Letters and Responses
Letter from Jason Dew about Starting New Ministry - 13 Feb 2006
What a great ministry! I have been mulling over how to splice my faith with my deep concern for the rights of animals. There seems to be some confusion in some Christian circles in regards to the definition of "rule." God said that we should "rule" the non-human animals of the earth, but that doesn't mean abuse or otherwise exploit them.
So many Christians see "rule" as a ticket to do anything they want with an animal.
How successful has this ministry been? I'm toying with the idea of starting this kind of ministry at my church. What pitfalls have you experienced?
In Christ,
Jason Dew
Atlanta, GA
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Thank you very much for writing and for your encouraging comments.
Most of our success has been with young people, and the least success with clergy and church leaders. So, your ministry would probably be more successful as a grass roots program. If there are a few families and individuals that feel the same way you do, then you have the embers to light the compassionate fire.
We retired from the church ministry, because of the hardness of heart that we encountered, particularly from the church leaders and conference, to begin our internet ministry and outreach.
In a typical day, today, we minister to 20 times the number of people we ministered to in the total of the last 10 years of our church ministry, and were hundreds of times more successful. Our most successful approach has been the "shock therapy" of showing the gory reality of animal exploitation, which inspires people with a teachable spirit to live a more compassionate lifestyle.
We hope this helps, and we look forward to hearing from you again.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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