Letter from Lisa Barnaby about God's Love for All Animals - 27 Nov 2006
Words cannot express the gratitude to you and to God that I have in knowing that you will be standing with me in the gap before the Father for our brothers and sisters (and the unsaved) that need to be filled with the compassion and mercy of Jesus, especially toward animals since they are paying the price for OUR sin and it is not fair or just.
I believe the Blood of Jesus cries out for justice for them — the same as towards innocent babies — because the COMMON denominator is that they BOTH are innocent, helpless and dependent upon man to care for, nurture and protect them.
I am working on more papers as the Lord leads and don't know how the Lord will use them, but my prayer is that He directs me to present them to church leaders and other persons of influence so that the Holy Spirit can start pricking people's hearts and breaking them. I want people to start caring and including this issue in intercession and taking it seriously in the local church. You can pray specifically for my paper to penetrate the hearts and open doors for me to expound on this issue with leaders of my church.
The paper I wrote was for a college class that is run through and within my church so that paper may fall into the hands of my pastors and people in leadership in my church. That is why I chose to write my paper on the issue of "God's Love for Animals." Thanks again for talking with me about that topic. By the way, can you please let me know how to find my paper on all-creatures.org. This way I can direct people on how to pull up my paper.
Matthew 18:19-20:
"I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them."
We agree that Jesus' ministry of love and compassion will begin to transform and change the hearts and minds of people and it will produce a change in the natural toward the animals and the people who are negatively effected by this. I have talked to and seen too many people turning from Christianity because of the coldness and indifference of "Christians" towards animals and it causes so much anguish, turmoil and pain in my heart. I am crying out to God for His Hand through our unity on this matter and through our prayer and our efforts.
II Chronicles 7:14-15:
"Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land." God is faithful and His Word will not return void.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you with instructions on how to find my paper that you published for me.
Lisa Barnaby
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Lisa:
If you go to the "Article" section in the left column on our home page, and click on the "Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion" link, you will see your article listing. Click on the "God's Love for Animals" and you’ll see your article.
We have found a tremendous amount of resistance from the church hierarchy to animal issues. However, if you can develop a group of lay people to help carry the message, it might have a better chance of opening doors.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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