Letter from Pam Wilms about Our Web Site and Children Hunting - 29 May 2007
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman,
Thank you for your wonderful site. I have been visiting for a long time . What I just realized makes it extra special to me is that it is a place of comfort.
After recently reading about the 11 year old boy who killed the giant wild hog after hours of torture I cried. Not only because this poor child has been brainwashed to see his kill as a triumph, but because this magnificent creature of God was nothing more than 700 pounds of sausage in his eyes already and a "Manly conquest" I suppose. The article says that he was taught to hunt at age 5. It also mentioned that he attends a "Christian" school.
The "trophy" photo tore me up. The first place I fled was to All-creatures.org. to do more reading.
Thank you for being here.
Pam Wilms
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Pam:
Thank you for your encouraging comments about our web site and for telling us about your feelings concerning this 11-year old hunter.
To harden a child's heart and teach him to kill is a form of child abuse, and the fact that he goes to a Christian school speaks tons about how far the Church has fallen from the teachings of Jesus. This is just one of the reason why we started our campaign to Stop Cruelty in Churches.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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