The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
and All-Creatures.Org

Letters and Responses

Letter from Jean Marie VanWinkle about Our Ministry and Bereavement - 3 Jun 2007

Dear Frank and Mary Hoffman,

God's peace and greetings to you. I am Jean Marie VanWinkle, and am deeply blessed that God has led me to your website today. I have been studying Isaiah, again, and was looking for a commentary website, and the Lord led me to your sermons.

As I have reviewed your website I would like to share with you about some volunteer work I am doing with another organization: The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement (APLB) I am an Assistant Bereavement host for those who have lost their beloved companion animals and who need someone to talk to with whom they can share their sorrow, grief, and healing process. It is a non-profit organization based in Brooklyn, NY, and was started by Dr. Wallace Sife, a psychiatrist, who saw the need to broaden his private practice to include providing comfort and compassion to individuals who were deeply affected by the loss of their non-human family members.
I will inform the President of APLB, Ellie Waldron, to let her know of your website, and to encourage her to contact you regarding a possible reciprocal link to the websites. The final decision of course will be up to her and Dr. Sife, and to you.

But whatever happens regarding the links between All-Creatures and the APLB, I just wanted to let you know how blessed I am for the Lord to have led me to your website this morning, and I have bookmarked it so that I may easily access it again. I have found the sermons I read today to be personally healing and spiritually affirming.

God blessings to you,

Jean Marie VanWinkle

Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman

Dear Jean Marie:

Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comments.

We look forward to expanding our bereavement ministry with yours. We also publish memorial animal stories and photos and some of the emails concerning mourning. We have also been working to try to get the churches to wake up to their need and responsibility to provide these services to their members, including services and prayers.

Considering you last name, we thought you'd be interested that we live in Sleepy Hollow.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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