Letter from Arthur Poletti about Our Web Site Ministry, Animals, and Religion - 7 Dec 2007
Dear Frank and Mary:
Thank you again for the many publications of my essays and articles you have posted in the letters section of your large web site.
I have forwarded your latest publication of one of my articles to the Dalai Lama, the Pope and a large number of people and organizations.
The Dalai Lama as well as the Pope should visit your web site often.
The expressions of kindness and a full life for all animals should transcend and bond all religions and spiritual beliefs for the benefit of all animals, humans, the earth, and the earths atmosphere.
I think that a large number of people throughout the world would agree, that if there truly is a God in heaven who is the supreme symbol of kindness, life, and love for all creatures with a soul, the only rational conclusion must be that God wants animal factory farms and slaughterhouses to close.
The battle between kindness and life versus cruelty and death for millions of vulnerable animals is near a breaking point, much like the consequences of global warming.
Let us hope the winner is kindness and life for the benefit of animals, humans, and the earth.
Now is the time for animal factory farms and slaughterhouses to begin closing.
For the sake of all animals.
Arthur Poletti USA
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Arthur:
We agree totally, but we often believe that world leaders, and most religious leaders don't want to wake up to the suffering of animals, because they like the status quo and their bloody lifestyles.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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