The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
and All-Creatures.Org
Letters and Responses
Letter from Irmengard Haslinger about Suffering Animals and People Who Care About Them - 14 Dec 2007
Dear Mary and Frank,
Please allow me to write some lines to you!
When I read the comment of Cee, dated Dec. 9, (My Agony for the Animals) or e.g. the letter from Sheila about suffering animals, I felt the need to tell them these comforting news, which are also of great help to me.
I am strongly convinced that our Christian God is a GOOD God, and He never, never is indifferent to the suffering of all His Creation. Could you please pass this e-mail on to those who need some reassuring words, so that they won�t lose their faith and hope.
I have discovered a text from a message- which in my opinion is authentic � of Jesus given to a young French mother near Paris, Francoise, some years ago (The book in French reads: Conversion du Coeur � I think the English title is: Conversion of Hearts, Edition Hovine, Belgium). Francoise was a former horse-riding teacher and likes animals very much. Jesus once said to her, that all that HE HAS CREATED OUT OF LOVE, EXISTS AND WILL FOREVER BE IN LIFE. HE TOLD HER THAT SHE WILL SEE HER FAITHFUL COMPANION (HER HORSE) AGAIN IN ETERNITY...
So there is hope that all the suffering animals will in some way come to a new form of life again. God is just.
Jesus also said to her that He also loves animals and cares for them. HE BLESSED HER FOR SHOWING COMPASSION WITH THE PAINS OF THE ANIMALS.
All suffering is a mystery, but once there will be absolute justice, compassion, love for ALL OF HIS CREATION.
I also sometimes pray for the suffering animals and I am convinced and trust in Jesus that with a childlike and humble prayer we are very powerfully �influencing� God�s Heart, humanly spoken, and are able to change realities, which seem inexorably hard and difficult.
May God bless you and Our Lady protect you and your family Yours sincerely,
Dipl. Ing. Irmengard Haslinger
University of Linz, Austria
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Irmengard:
Thank you very much for your very comforting letter. We will definitely pass it along.
We have found that most of the people who are involved on a daily basis with ending the suffering of animals, either don't believe in God, or they are constantly asking the question, 'How long, O Lord, how long until their suffering ends', or they are praying for the Lord to return and usher in His peaceable kingdom so that there will be no more pain or suffering for humans and non-humans alike. We also hear expressions of anger toward God for not doing something to end the suffering, now.
And some of us hold on to our faith and realize that God always seems to work through humans, and that we who acknowledge the truth about animal suffering, are called upon to end it, as Paul speaks of in Romans 8:18f.
Again, thank you for your kind thoughts and reference, and we look forward to hearing from you again.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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