Letter from Pat Russell about joining the battle against cruelty after learning how animals are treated - 14 Feb 2008
I just saw the pictures of the raccoon dogs being tortured. It makes me sick at my stomach. How can anyone be so cruel to a poor helpless animal?
Recently I also heard about the torture inflicted upon cows before they are actually slaughtered and how many were already sick to begin with.
Not too long ago, I read of another dog named Tobey that was brutally tortured by three young boys in Texas. I tried to keep up with the case hoping the boys were put in jail forever for what they did to that innocent little dog. They had to put a gag order on the case because so many people were emailing and sending threats to the three boys. What they did to that poor little dog was just about as bad as what these people are doing to these raccoon dogs.
I have always loved hamburgers, and I guess I never thought about the animals being tortured like they are, but I will not eat meat anymore. I can’t get the pictures out of mind.
Is there anything that can be done about the raccoon dogs? Can anyone stop this from being done?
I will never buy anything with fur on it again, but someone needs to rescue these poor little animals.
Thank you.
Pat Russell
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Pat:
Thank you for writing and for telling us about your lifestyle change.
The more we all speak out and write letters to the editor the sooner public outcries will demand an end to the atrocities committed upon animal.
To help with your diet transition, please visit our recipe section: www.all-creatures.org/recipes.html
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
[Editor's note: see, Animal Rights Activism]
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