Letter From Trudie About Human Cruelty to Animals - September 18, 2008
I cannot believe I found this web site accidentally. I could be on here for months reading and getting more disgusted by the day. All this animal abuse is making me sick and fed up with the human race. I cannot understand how all this goes on. It is every species of animal simply tortured by devil worshipping humans. I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown over all these atrocities. I cry every day for animals. Every day it's another couple million being tortured beyond my wildest dreams.
Why does all this suffering of animals happen? They are innocent and defenseless. What is the purpose of God allowing all this suffering of these poor animals?
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Trudie:
We get just as frustrated as you do over the senseless atrocities committed upon animals.
Most people seem to have had their hearts hardened so much that they have lost all of their empathy for the suffering of animals, which makes them sociopathic. They just want to satisfy their lust and greed, and they gladly pay other to do the what they do to the animals.
We believe God is very much aware of the evilness of our fellow human beings, who, like us, He has charged with ending the suffering in this world; a calling which the vase majority of people reject.
We hope this helps answer your questions, and we look forward to hearing from you again.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
Please visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others ——
If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!
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