The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
and All-Creatures.Org

Letters and Responses

Letter from Lauren About Cruelty to Dogs - 7 Feb 2009


I'm writing to you because I would like to thank you for the work you're doing, and to offer my help in any way I can. I think the best way for me to explain what my particular interests are at this time, is to forward a letter I wrote to Heather at in response to an email update she sent me concerning Michael Vick.

In my response to her, I forwarded a page from your site regarding the appalling dog meat industry in Korea and the Philippines (and other countries as well, from what I understand) along with a petition to the Korean government to enforce the law that already exists banning the practice.

As you may note in my letter to Heather, I am extremely distraught and sickened by what is going on, and am desperate to see this barbaric cruelty stopped. Please also note that while I know you need financial funding the most, I am simply not in a position right now to help in that area... I recently had to go on a food stamp program to be able to purchase food for myself.

After reading my concerns to Heather, please let me know what else I can do to help in this campaign. Again, I am physically ill, my heart and soul are being crushed by the weight of this insane cruelty, and I have to do something to help bring it to an least bring it to the attention of more people. Everyone I've spoken to about it has been shocked that it was even going on. I did know it was going on. I just wasn't aware to what extent and how outrageous the cruelty actually was.

Thank you again, for the hard work you are doing. I hope you will have something I can do to help, my heart is aching for these precious, helpless animals.

Lauren Schilling

Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman

Dear Lauren:

Thank you for writing and sending us your letter to Heather. We feel the same way you do about all the cruelty in the world. The horror of factory farming is just as bad.

Your help in informing other is worth more than money.

If you wrote other letters or articles, we'd be happy to publish them on our web site so that many other people can see them. What kinds of things would you like to do to help?

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Please visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others


If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!

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