Yes I agree with you.
The standards and enforcements here in Britain seem to be a lot higher here than compared to the rest of the world. Legislation here cant be ignored the penalties are too high, and the same needs happen in the US. There are retailers who have been caught for unethical production and have since closed because of the huge fines they’ve incurred. So its serious business here when a law gets passed no one takes it lightly.
The only stores that have survived their atrocities to my knowledge are Tescos, Nike and Matalan. None of whom I support because I know when a low price means unethical production. There was undercover footage but it related to child labor rather than animal cruelty.
The agricultural industry here is being wiped out my cheaper imports from Europe and the US. There is a British program here called ‘Kill it, Cook it, Eat it’ and it talks about all types of meat and poultry farming to educate viewers on where their meat comes from and what the animals go through. In fact the worst type of meat import to this country is from US intensive farming where cattle are imported for mostly take-away burgers (McDonalds) and dog food.
The government is also starting to introduce a tax to farmers for the C02 emissions their animals produce because we are aware of how much it affects our environment.
The reality is that meat farming will never be totally eradicated because there will always be people who want meat. But the difference here is that people are environmentally aware, and the country folk do care for the welfare of animals and are mostly against unethical trading. Which is why small farms which have guest houses on them do so well here. More and more people here are moving away from cheap meat reared at intensive farms. The only people who remain loyal to these awful farms are those that are too poor and uneducated to make the right choice – they are mostly your typical Tescos customer.
Tescos was caught in Thailand for selling shark fin. I am not sure if you know how that is done? But the shark is defined and thrown back in the sea to drown. I saw the footage from a friend in Thailand who is an animal rights activist in his spare time when he's not bumming out on the beach.
I have forced myself to move away from meat. I will eat fish but only line fish that I know was caught that day by our local fisherman. I don’t buy leather shoes or jackets anymore.
But the craving does come back though I have tried resorting to soya meat which is a happy alternative for me.
I only buy organic milk from the local farm sharp too and avoid cheeses and eggs. So I’d have to say I am making a difference in my own small way.
Is there anything else you could suggest?
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Sarah:
What is happening in the UK is wonderful, and we hope and pray that it
continues to increase.
In reference to the tax on animal emissions, the greatest problem is with
methane, which is 23 times more of a global warning problem than carbon dioxide.
Actually, you seem to be a pre-vegan, and we hope your move in that direction
continues. Have you seen our recipe section?
We became vegan nearly a quarter century ago because we saw so much cruelty
inflicted upon farmed animals, including those on small family farms. We also
found that it made us a much more credible witness when talking to people who
participate in the use and exploitation of animals.
We have also found that ethical vegans seem to be a lot more compassionate to other human beings and the environment than most people in the world. Killing and eating animals seems to have a way of hardening people's hearts and makes them more aggressive and violent, which we believe is the underlying problem in the world. Have you noticed any of this, including a change within yourself as you've been switching to a more compassionate diet?
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary