Letter From Jenny Moxham as published on
The Morning
May 7, 2020
Zoos keep wildlife in permanent lockdown
Isn't it time we all opened our eyes to the cruelty of zoos? (Response to
"Welcome assistance for zoos and wildlife parks," RMB May 1).
We’re all having a taste of life in partial lockdown but zoo animals spend
their entire lifetime in severe lockdown.
And it’s every bit as stressful for them as it would be for humans who were
permanently incarcerated.
We know zoo animals are stressed by their behavior – self mutilation,
vomiting, excessive grooming, consuming excrement, rocking or swaying,
excessively pacing back and forth, random biting, and twisting or nodding of
the neck.
These archaic establishments began in the 1800s when seeing exotic animals
was considered a novel form of entertainment. These days, with videos and
wildlife documentaries readily available, we have no justification for
subjecting wild animals to this aimless life of boredom and suffering.
Jenny Moxham
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