The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
Letters and Responses
A Letter From Tom Kent Concerning Abortion - 5 May 2003
Do you folks also take a strong stand against the abortion holocaust taking placing in America?
You gave some quotes from a variety of well known Christians on vegetarianism but yet your site was conspicuously absent of any biblical teachings on the issue. Jesus and the apostles were not vegetarians. The fact that Jesus Himself is God makes His eating meat a very important fact in this area of thought.
Holding you in the Light,
Tom Kent
Senior Pastor
The Amazing Church
- an evangelical Christian fellowship of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)Reply from Frank L. Hoffman
Dear Tom:
Thank you for your letter and question.
We are totally pro-life for all living beings whether human or non-human, whether born or unborn.
Many religious organization have taken a stand against aborting human babies, but they seem to forget the true meaning of pro-life. We have chosen to try to be the peacemaking children of God that Jesus tells us were supposed to be, and of whom Paul says the whole of creation is anxiously awaiting to free it from the corruption to which is has been subjected.
10 Billion animal suffer and die in the United States every year mainly because of the indifference and/or participation of Church leaders and parishioners. We believe that turning blind eyes and hardening of hearts to such immense pain and suffering also hardens the human heart from respecting any life, which includes unborn humans. Thus, we have chosen to take a stand for all life, and since others have not addressed the animals' suffering, we have concentrated our efforts there, for as we have found, most truly compassionate Christians are also wholly pro-life, too.
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In the Love of the Lord,
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