Letter from Art Danks Concerning our Internet Ministry, God, the Bible and Becoming Vegan - 25 Jun 2002
Many thanks for your web-site, and ministry. I am a
Christian, but not yet a vegan. I heard an interesting
radio program today (non-Christian) about all the
reasons to consider being Vegan. It intrigued me. In
praying about it this afternoon, the Holy Spirit led
me to specifically pray on the words of Christ in
Matthew 5:48, "you are to be perfect as your heavenly
Father is perfect". I was surprised that those
specific words came to my mind, as I have never held
to Wesley's Doctrine of "Christian Perfectionism".
Anyway, I prayed that God would give me the grace to
learn and walk in the way that He would want me to, to
obey this passage.
Well, tonight, I looked up some information on the
internet on steps to take towards becoming a vegan. It
however, was not a Christian site, so I did a web
search, using the words "Christian Vegan", and found
your site. One of the first things I saw was your
article on "Christian Perfection"! I then saw you
opened with the VERY text that I was led to pray on
this afternoon! Boy! Did THAT ever get my attention!
So, I will definetely be studying the many teachings
you have on your site, as I truly believe God is
leading me in this direction.
Please keep me in your prayers, as I'm sure that this
type of change will be quite challenging, after eating
meat for 46 years! But, I know that "His commandments
are not burdensome', so I look forward to following
Him in this newest chapter of my life in Him!
Your brother in Christ!
Art Danks
Response from Frank L. Hoffman - 25 Jun 2002
Dear Art:
Thank you very much for your encouraging letter.
Mary and I weren't a whole lot younger than you when we became vegan for
reasons of compassion. When we did, we also discovered many of the
health benefits. My arthritis pains left in about three weeks and I
believe we haven't had more than a couple of colds in the last 15 years.
For us the change to being vegan was similar to your inspiration, and the
realization that animals do have souls and spirits (Hebrew: neh-fesh
khah-yaw). It was this sense of relating to the feelings of animals
that stopped us from eating them (a return to the perfection of Eden and the
bringing of our Father's heavenly will to earth, for there is no death in
We look forward to hearing from you again.
In the Love of the Lord,
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