The Mary T. and
Frank L. Hoffman
Family Foundation
Letters and Responses
Letter from Teresa Concerning Cruelty to Animals - 9 Jan 2004
I want to stop the cruelty to animals, but I don't know how. I'm only 17, and still live with my parents. I have no choice but to eat meat. I've tried the whole tofu and vegetable thing, but they refuse to let me continue.
If you have any advice, please let me know.
Thank You
Teresa C.
Reply from Frank L. Hoffman
Dear Teresa:
Thank you for your letter. We can very much empathize with your problem. We hear from many young people who are in the same situation.
Let's begin with the understanding that 17 is not a deterrent to making a difference in the world. The key is changing public opinion until our society demands and end to animal cruelty. You can spread the word about the atrocities that are being committed upon animals to as many other people as you can, and ask them to join you in your quest to bring an end to animal cruelty. You can refer them to our web site, so that they can see the horrors for themselves.
This brings us back to your parents. While you live with them, you should obey them, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't tell them about your feeling and why it bothers you so much to eat meat. We would also suggest that you don't do this at the dinner table, but talk to them quietly and peacefully when they have time to talk to you.
There is a lot more to being vegetarian than the "tofu thing". You might want to visit our recipe section.,htmlYou might want to try some of these recipes with your family. Start with recipes that are similar to what your family is used to eating, but keep the recipe vegan.
We hope this helps.
In the Love of the Lord,
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