Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Raising a child on a vegan diet: Birth to age five
September 2023

You probably have a number of reasons why veganism is important to you and may feel strongly that you want to raise your child or childre as a vegan, too.

[Also read Raising a child on a vegan diet: Older children]

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Why raise a child as a vegan?

If you regularly read the Ethical Globe blog, there’s a good chance that you follow a vegan diet or that it’s something you’re exploring. You probably have a number of reasons why veganism is important to you and may feel strongly that you want to raise your child(ren) as a vegan, too.

Naturally, many people become vegan because of ethical concerns. They are opposed to a system that exploits and harms other animals.

But, of course, there are other reasons why you might want to raise a child on a vegan diet.

Farmed animals are frequently – even, routinely – given antibiotics and hormones, ostensibly to fight potential infections, but also because these drugs boost growth rates, ensuring each animal is large enough to be slaughtered at the youngest age possible.

But, when humans eat the flesh of other animals that have been routinely fed antibiotics, it can lead to antimicrobial resistance.

Topics include:

  • Is a vegan diet safe for infants?
  • Things to consider with babies, infants and preschool children
  • Making sure your vegan child is eating enough calories
  • How supplements can support a plant-based diet
  • Knowledge and planning


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.

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