We are all flawed, but how do we inspire most people to be more compassionate, and to consistently care about issues that matter? I fear that for many wealthier Americans, their silence and willful ignorance stems from a desire to remain uncontroversial, so as to not hurt their “brand”, or ability to make money, with the goal of one day being a part of the richest tribe. Even if the cost of such a shallow dream is their own lying soul, and the destruction of everything, and everyone we love.
We are all flawed and morally inconsistent, but if our moral authority is based on our moral consistency, then where does each one of us stand? I have been an activist on some level for over 20 years, and I can tell you first hand that the degree of disconnect, or lack of intersectionality, among so many influential people and various social justice movements is stunning.
I volunteered for a recent march in Manhattan, and witnessed climate activists literally eating pizza, and cheeseburgers, while holding up signs that read, “There is No Planet B” and “End Fossil Fuels Now!” (as per Oxford University, the single biggest thing that anyone can do to fight the climate crisis, is adopt a vegan diet). I joined an anti-war march last summer and watched as many of the PEACE activists sat down to animal cruelty food later in the day.
I attended the 2023 Animal and Vegan Awareness (AVA) Summit and listened while Ukrainian animal rescue activists demonized Russia repeatedly, yet completely ignored how the US provoked Russia, and thwarted peace negotiations again and again. I have even met Trump supporters at an animal rights protest!
If compassion for all beings is the goal of veganism, then why do most vegans fall silent on Israel’s US backed genocidal massacre of Palestinians, and on the millions of innocent people who have been killed (and continue to die), due to the illegal US led wars over the last 60 years? US President Joe Biden and the US War Machine are literally committing genocide, and war crimes, on a daily basis, yet you don’t hear a peep from most of the so-called “justice” movements, especially the vegan, and animal rights organizations.
Why? Where is the moral consistency? Their collective silence is deafening. How can so many activists be so knowledgeable, compassionate, and even brilliant in one area of injustice, and yet so dangerously ignorant, detached, and even complicit in others?
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.
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