Christian LivingFrom Frank to Mary on Their 56th Anniversary
Love Notes from Guide to Kingdom Living

True Christian living requires us to live according to the Kingdom standards of God's Heavenly will, which bring Heaven to earth.

Love Notes
From Frank to Mary on Their 56th Anniversary

Happy 56th Anniversary…
 56th Anniversary - 01
…Mary, my soulmate.
 Wow! Our marriage is in its 56th year.
And as we look to tomorrow, we cheer.
As true soulmates, we have the same goals,
For we set our tables with vegan bowls.
Together we work to end creation’s suffering,
Answering all calls for help within our hearing.
It’s all about our enduring heavenly love,
Which comes down from the Father above.
You are my true soulmate!
56th Anniversary - 02
With you every day is Thanksliving
I Love You…
…with all my heart!
7 July 2017

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