Christian LivingFrom Frank to Mary on Valentine's Day - 2009
Love Notes from Guide to Kingdom Living

True Christian living requires us to live according to the Kingdom standards of God's Heavenly will, which bring Heaven to earth.

Love Notes
From Frank to Mary on Valentine's Day - 2009

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mary

Valentines Day 2009-1

I love you!
You’re a rose without thorns;
You are gentle and kind;
Your sweet love never fails.

Even though yesterday was
A Friday the thirteenth.
With you there’s no bad luck;
Your love is my blessing.

Your love is greater than
The problems of the world,
And the pain and suffering
Of God’s innocent ones.

You are a voice for the voiceless!
And the reason I love you…

Valentines Day 2009-2

…with all my heart!
14 February 2009

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