It is essential to create the basis for a new way of relating to other animals in a non-speciesist way. And it is crucial that, as individuals and as societies, we prioritize the long-term impacts of our actions and decisions.
We are increasingly emphasizing the importance of long-term work for
animals. There are some areas where animal suffering could increase
astronomically in the future if we fail to address them now. For
example, the
consumption of invertebrate animals is being proposed
as an environmentalist alternative to the consumption of terrestrial
mammals, and the
consumption of marine animals raised in fish farms as
an alternative to
capturing animals in the open sea. Although many people
do not think about this, most of the animals humans use for food are
sentient. Even less attention is paid to the
suffering of animals in the wild, which is much larger
in scale.
That is why it痴 important for society to start considering animals
differently. It is essential to create the basis for a new way of
relating to other animals in a non-speciesist way. And it is crucial
that, as individuals and as societies, we prioritize the long-term
impacts of our actions and decisions.
We have planned our activities for 2023 with these aims in mind.
Below are some of the projects we will be working on.
We池e also exploring new means of education, including augmented
reality and interactive online materials. This year we値l begin
distributing educational materials for high school students that
include videos and classroom games.
Without your help, it would be impossible to carry out all of these
activities. We appreciate your support and welcome your feedback at
any time.