Those wild horses are our horses; that land is their land; moreover, it is ours. Get the livestock off it and let the horses stay. There’s enough water and forage for them to do that, and it costs taxpayers nothing.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is busy clearing federally
designated wild horse territory of wild horses on public lands — and
BLM officials are telling some big lies to get the job done.
At roughly 27 million acres, wild horse herd management areas (HMAs)
constitute just 4% of the 750 million acres making up “the West” in
the lower 48 states. There are 22 million cattle and sheep across
that vast western expanse. That’s 265 times the number of wild
horses (presently estimated at 86,000) in the 177 HMAs that were
established principally for their use by the 1971 Wild and
Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
But the livestock industry considers that 27 million acres with
86,000 wild horses on it (one wild horse per 314 acres) to be
overpopulated, or, as the BLM puts it, “above AML.” This is an
acronym for “appropriate management level” but “agribusiness
management level” is more accurate. Science-based? No. The AML is a
quota whose purpose is to maintain commercial cattle and sheep
stocking rates inside wild horse territory.
The BLM allocates 84% of forage in wild horse HMAs, not to horses,
but to ranchers holding cheap leases to graze their cattle and
sheep. (This is the equivalent of selling low-cost vouchers allowing
holders to abscond with 84% of the food and benefits established
under the Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC program, then blaming
women and infants for eating more than their fair share).
Never mind that another 128 million acres of public lands have also
been leased by the BLM to livestock producers (with zero wild horses
on them). And the US Forest Service leases out another 102 million
for livestock grazing.
BLM rangeland health reports show many of these grazing allotments
are in miserable shape, some grazed down to bare dirt, their water
sources depleted and wildlife endangered. But the BLM doesn’t police
the livestock industry in the wild horse HMAs or anywhere. There are
no AMLs for livestock on public lands and no helicopter roundups.
Read almost any news report about wild horse roundups, however, and
you’ll find no mention of the livestock grazing leases behind them
and their exorbitant costs to US taxpayers.
Instead, you’ll read that extreme drought is the reason the BLM
rounded up 80% of the wild horses in Colorado’s Sand Wash HMA — the
biggest roundup in the state’s history. The BLM argued that horses
there, and in every other HMA where they are conducting accelerated
roundups, are “above AML”; facing “widespread thirst and mortality”;
“water and food stretched to their limits”; causing “serious damage
to the landscape” and endangering “other animals and themselves.”
But that’s a lie. The Sand Wash HMA had a month of monsoon-like
rains leading up to roundup, which was delayed because of rain. When
it finally began, on September 1, it was still raining. Photographs
showed fat horses standing amid ample forage next to full watering
holes two weeks earlier. Other photos showed huge sheep herds and
fenced-off sheep-only grazing areas that were decimated.
When this was pointed out, the BLM changed its narrative. The wild
horses needed to be saved from possibly not having enough to eat in
the months ahead.
The BLM’s story is the same in every wild horse round up, in every
HMA: It’s all a false-flag event.
Colorado Rep. Joe Neguse (Chair of the US House Subcommittee on
National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands), the Colorado Sierra
Club, and other environmental groups, implored the BLM to remove
livestock from Sand Wash and postpone the roundups until livestock
grazing impacts could be studied. Governor Jared Polis wrote
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and BLM to postpone the roundups
after constituents phoned in, appalled at what they were witnessing
in news coverage. They were ignored.
Here’s a fact that can’t be: Wild horses aren’t the only ones being
chased off public lands by commercial interests. The public, too, is
being corralled by the BLM’s big lie.
Those wild horses are our horses; that land is their land; moreover,
it is ours. Get the livestock off it and let the horses stay.
There’s enough water and forage for them to do that, and it costs
taxpayers nothing.