Our 'land-grant' agriculture universities have been stonewalling Responsible Policies for Animals’ demand to phase out “animal science” for two decades, thereby perpetuating the meat delusion and the delusion that human beings are entitled to other animals – powerful false beliefs driving animal abuse and human misery for thousands of years.
Dear “1862” Land-Grant-University Presidents and Chancellors,
When the question “animal market or animal laboratory?” comes up
regarding launch of the COVID-19 pandemic, I say, Really, it is our
agriculture universities’ stonewalling for two decades Responsible
Policies for Animals’ demand to phase out “animal science.” Thereby
perpetuating the meat delusion and the delusion that human beings
are entitled to other animals – powerful false beliefs driving
animal abuse and human misery for thousands of years.
I find heartbreaking, and think you should too, how much disease
prevention and improvement to human health & wellbeing humanity
could be experiencing had our land-grant universities (LGUs) begun
twenty years ago to phase out “animal science” and repudiate false
beliefs it teaches about the need of animal products in the human
diet. The need to drop “animal science” grows more dire each day.
Nearly all infectious-disease pandemics are linked to needless and
unnatural contact with other animals. Most food poisoning and the
most widespread and lethal noncommunicable diseases are linked to
our naturally herbivorous species misguidedly consuming animal
products thanks in large part to our LGUs.
“Animal science” – billions of dollars’ worth of training, public
relations, lobbying, experimentation, and other services to the
meat, dairy, fish, and egg industries – has no factual basis in
zoology, the actual science of animals. Nor in anatomy, nutritional
science, or any other science: Human beings, natural plant-eaters,
are sickened more than nourished by eating from animals.
Recently, I informed you of a science-based paper estimating at 87
percent the portion of climate-wrecking gases from raising animals
for food. I hope you requested assessments from ecologists and
climatologists. Like so much other human misery, climate breakdown
is caused primarily by animal abuse, which includes everything human
beings do to and with other animals and their natural homes and
ecosystems. “Animal science” is a major engine of animal abuse.
It is hard to think of any practice that causes more intense and
long-term suffering than factory farming of chickens, pigs, turkeys,
and other animals, instigated and maintained by your universities.
In doing right by nonhuman animals, you can do right by human
As I have done many times before, I am providing you with
Responsible Policies for Animals’ brief white paper
“The Case Against
‘Animal Science’ Documented” to assist you in the needed action.
Human beings, other animals, and the living world need your
leadership in eliminating “animal science” – now more than ever. As
always, I am available for discussion and any assistance I can
provide. Thank you for your consideration. I hope to hear from you.
David Cantor
Founder & Director
Responsible Policies for Animals