Every year, California dairy farms emit hundreds of thousands of tons of the potent greenhouse gas methane, which gets released when livestock operations pool manure in open-air lagoons. To put a lid on these emissions, the state is lavishing the industry with lucrative subsidies to capture methane before it escapes into the atmosphere.
Graphic by Alex Hinton | Source Images: iStock
California is treating factory farm gas systems at dairy farms like they are devices that suck carbon from the air.
Every year, California dairy farms emit hundreds of thousands of
tons of the potent greenhouse gas methane, which gets released when
livestock operations pool manure in open-air lagoons. To put a lid
on these emissions, the state is lavishing the industry with
lucrative subsidies to capture methane before it escapes into the
atmosphere. Such efforts are currently on track to prevent 1.8
million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, a standard unit for
measuring greenhouse gas emissions, from being emitted annually by
the end of this year. It’s an essential part of the Golden State’s
plan to shrink methane emissions by 40 percent of 2013 levels by the
end of the decade.
California has sector-specific targets for emissions reductions, and
cuts at dairy farms are attributed to the livestock sector.
Curiously, however, the state is simultaneously crediting many of
those same emissions reductions to its transportation fuel sector —
and, some argue, dramatically overstating its progress in that
sector as a result.
That’s because much of the methane captured at dairy farms is
converted into natural gas, which is then added to the state’s fuel
supply. California’s peculiar emissions accounting techniques
dictate that, whenever a dairy farm captures methane from manure and
converts it to natural gas, the state actually considers that fuel
production process to be carbon-negative. In essence, through the
simple act of adding a new source of natural gas to the state’s fuel
supply, California claims to have both reduced livestock emissions
and lowered the carbon intensity of its transportation fuels.
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