The scientific research that 'allowed' Ventilation Shutdown+ to be included in the guidelines was the result of a $100k industry funded grant to the Prestage Department Poultry Science at North Carolina State University. This department is named after Prestage Farms— the poultry and pork producer.
Two recent articles describe this push to make it a preferred method:
The October 5th article includes a quote from the Director of the Animal Welfare Division who is head of Humane Endings which includes the Panel on Depopulation who says,
"The panel’s work is designed to be entirely scientific…The association will solicit comments on the draft document from its members but does not accept lobbying from outside entities like politicians, industry or activists.”
in reality, the scientific research that 'allowed' Ventilation Shutdown+ to be
included in the guidelines was the result of a $100k industry funded
grant to the Prestage Department Poultry Science at North Carolina
State University. This department is named after Prestage Farms— the
poultry and pork producer.
In June of 2022, at the Animal Mortality Management Conference in
North Carolina, during a presentation, this same AVMA leader said to
those in attendance:
“One item I would like to place some emphasis on for this room, since I feel you are a little more friendly of an audience than I’ve had the opportunity to present for, over the past couple of years, is we need data from you. And I know we’ve seen some presented here. Even if it’s not published, if it’s a case report, if it’s proprietary data, if its unpublished data, the panel needs it. Some of these methods are at risk of leaving the guidelines, I think you probably have an idea of what those methods might be. We need data to support them staying in the document.”
This so-called scientific panel is seeking data, from a “friendly
audience” (industry folks) to support leaving Ventilation Shutdown+
in the Guidelines. This is not how a scientific panel should